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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. And some people may be allergic to them. KILL IT! haha
  2. I think its called a woodlouse spider? http://www.wildaboutbritain.co.uk/gallery/showimage.php?i=42093 Definitely looks like those pictures.
  3. It took forever for us to find guns, but they are there.. eventually. BTW... games were sold. Lock this please
  4. $45 for Battlefield. Come on guys, $15 discount and its only been out a week
  5. Danielle

    gold rush

    I will be watching the new one in a few. Im hooked on this show.
  6. Just asked him, he said there is an online code, but he didnt activate it.
  7. Dead Island sold- Thanks Brian. Idk about any codes. And yes, since it just came out youre getting 10$ off.
  8. Cool. Let me know when you're free to meet up. Oh, and yeah. He beat the game. He prefers COD online so yeah. lol
  9. Danielle

    360 games

    Sorry if this isn't the right place for this. Selling a couple of 360 games for the boyfriend. Battlefield 3 Limited Edition- $50 Dead Island- $30
  10. Lol, he was a cool guy. Gave me his card and told me if I know anyone, send them in to him. I haven't bought a mattress from him though, so I cant tell you much more.
  11. Talk to Brent Smith @ Mattress Mart on Morse Rd... I used to cut his hair at SportClips. He is an awesome guy.
  12. Definitely just saw your post from July. I love CR. I wish I could go out to meets more. :( I miss being around all the cars and people bs'ing.
  13. Poor dogs I will try to donate blankets/towels and such for them if they are still needed.
  14. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1336.snc4/162798_1806104635029_1312303845_2133367_8135440_n.jpg Trying to sell this bag. Originally $350. Trying to get $150 obo. Its used, but still in great condition. Any questions or anything, lmk.
  15. Get it right... Its my bday karaoke hahaha
  16. It supposedly helps more if you chew the gum a bit, then put it in your mouth like dip... The nicotine is absorbed more or something that way than if you just chew it. I've had a lot of people use it and quit.
  17. Picnik is good for easy cute photo editing stuff.
  18. Merry Christmas everyone. Enjoy the time you get to spend with your family, and friends, cherish the time you have with them.
  19. Definitely sad. People take too much for granted.
  20. You have no idea who cuts your hair when you go into the shop.. It could be someone JUST out of school. I've had some awful haircuts from"professionals". The girls I go to school with in Hilliard have done much better than people in salons... Just sayin..
  21. Oh hush. You also mentioned going out shooting with me... When is THAT going to happen?
  22. Haha, thanks Evan. I was about to post that And yeah, that was pretty bad form, doesn't matter how I hold it.. I can shoot my target. Hahaha
  23. I dont know which one we shot down in WV... I'd have to hold it to know for sure, lol. It was fun as hell to shoot though, and very accurate. And when Zombies attack, one more gun to help fight them off... hahahaa jk... maybe.
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