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Everything posted by Danielle

  1. Try Bakers at Easton or tuttle... DSW will probably have a ton too. Good Luck
  2. I have 5.. couple on my back, one on my foot, one on stomach, and one on my wrist.. i love them.
  3. Danielle

    Airline Tickets

    I just went through airtran to fly to florida. Tickets were really cheap if you had a stop, still the cheapest I found for a non stop flight. Im not sure if they go everywhere though, or just a few places.
  4. I've missed the last couple episodes, but I really like the show.
  5. I have a Samsung Sync. Pretty good condition. $20 if she wants it.
  6. Haha. Girls would be all over that guy for talking about Twilight.
  7. I love the pumpkin show. I need someone to go with this year
  8. Besides number 15, because I wouldn't know... She speaks the truth about everything. Haha.
  9. I never meet a guy with a hot tub. Wtf? Haha
  10. I modeled when I was younger, and it was fun, and pretty good money. But, you have to be serious about it... It takes more effort than most people think...
  11. Can't wait! sucks im gonna miss the first game... whyyyy do people have to get married when cbj is playing? ugh.
  12. Of the Yaris? Ok. Ill post some tomorrow
  13. I just hit 23k on mine, and this will be the second time the rear bumper has been replaced in the past 6 months. I went to Rifes autobody before, they did an amazing job on my car, and really helped me out with everything since it was my first wreck... I'll probably go there again... i finally got through to progressive that they aren't going to force me to use whatever shop they have. I know its just a Yaris, but its my yaris. Lol. Thats awesome that you can fit the bumper back there... Everyone always laughs at how small my back seat is, but its bigger than it looks apparently.. lol.
  14. My favorite NFL teams are the Browns, and whoever is playing the steelers... I still hate both teams, But I do love that the Steelers lost to such a shitty team.
  15. Lol, I didn't know that about the back bumper, but it is good to know Thanks! Haha. One of the POs got all of his information for me, so I do know who he is. He's actually a one of our regulars at work I found out... awesome. He has progressive, but even though it is just a yaris, I'm picky about where I take my car... I just don't like feeling pressured to take it somewhere i'm not comfortable with. Oh well. Poor little yaris.
  16. Apparently the guy says he has a "medical condition" that caused him to piss himself in front of the cops when he got out of the car... He just happened to have a beer in his car when it happened... But, if he had a medical condition that caused him to stumble around like he was, the asshole shouldn't have been driving in the first place. He does have insurance for sure though, and they're being idiots. I spent 40 minutes on the phone with them today, telling them that I am NOT using their body shop, and I have my own... He was in the back of the cop car when I left, but im not sure what happened after that. Nothing is showing up on public records right now, but after the 12 phone calls ive got today from repair shops and doctors, I know he did get a ticket for hitting me. This is just annoying.
  17. When I was hit before, it was 2G in damage... It doesn't look as bad this time, but I haven't had anyone get in there and really look at it yet either. Im still not sure how its not very bad, but the guy said at the minimum he was going 50. He was just getting off 70 at hilliard rome, so I dont doubt he was going that quick. His car was f'd up. It wouldnt even start after he hit me...
  18. He was like, in his late 40s... If it was a young guy I wouldve understood that a little better... Haha... The damage isnt too bad, probably around $1000 to fix it... I think it fucked me up more than my car, I was at a dead stop waiting to turn, and he was going around 50 mph.... Its just annoying... The only good part about being hit this time is the guy apparently has insurance, so I wont be paying to get my shit fixed this time.
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