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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. I personally would go with the build Ryan made. Im running an older AMD Processor and a 550Ti GPU and i can play most new games on high without really suffering any frames. Granted my whole PC was built years ago, with me replacing the graphics card early last year or late 2012, cant really remember. I also dont have as much RAM as the build Ryan posted, im only running 4gigs. Jasons will do regular tasks faster, but Ryans has a dedicated GPU (Graphics Card) and more hard drive space (Granted its HDD vs SSD). Also the graphics card in Ryans build is a really good graphics card for the price, if i had the money id go pick one up myself with another 4gigs of ram. The build Ryan posted is going to be a really good computer, and the difference is only $50-$60 once you add the ram to Jasons PC, and the only thing i would change (If you want a faster hard drive) would be a SSD hard drive, but those can get pricey once you start going up in size. (Example is the 500GB HDD Ryan Posted is $60, and the 120GB SSD Jason posted is $82) Also a personal preference here, i will never run another graphics card that isnt nVidia, i had nothing but problems with my AMD cards.
  2. All depends on where your at really, they all probably have about the same looking chicks, except for Escape on 161 (I wouldnt ever go there). I know Sirens on Cleveland Ave includes a free meal when you go in between 11am - 9pm, I also keep hearing on the radio if you go to the arnold expo this weekend and go there with your ticket stub you'll get in free (Dunno if they'll still include the meal though).
  3. They said exactly what i was thinking, Probably somewhere in the $12k - $14k range.
  4. I definitely believe it took 67 takes
  5. Holy crap! So you would basically need a huge farm of these things even to pull a minute amount of money per day? That just seems so ridiculous... Also whats 1 TH? Tera somethin obviously, and what kind of graphics card / GPU would you need to be able to pull that? Or would you just need a custom built bitcoin mining box basically. Looking at this graphics card thats 600 GH/s, Cost $2100, so for 2 you would spend $4200, and make roughly $90 a day... It would be well over a month before it pays its-self off and by then who knows what they'll be worth... Seems like it COULD be worth it but only if you setup a few dedicated mining rigs pulling a few TH/s to even be able to make any decent money off it, and that would be a expensive investment (Im assuming $10,000 or so)
  6. No and I understand the whole economy concept and working for it etc, but to get Bitcoins dont you just "Farm" or "Mine" them on your PC and literally get money for doing absolutely nothing? Its not even working for your money its just... getting it. I just dont understand bitcoins i guess...
  7. How hard is it to "Farm" bitcoins and how long does it generally take? Ive read about it some before but i just dont understand how something thats nothing can be worth so much...
  8. Damn man sorry to hear all that, the irrational spending shes doing right now before the divorce isnt on your cards / with your money is it? If you about to be done with her dont let her go crazy and buy a bunch of shit for herself and rack up a bunch of "debt" on your cards or with your money.
  9. I dont see much point of taking the kids to Disney World at 4 and 1, there not really going to remember it when they get older. Why not wait until there 8 and 5? Or older so they can enjoy it more, do more stuff while they're there, etc. Also, if you have all this money from tax returns and extra left-over from her student loan, why not save it or put it towards something you guys need a lot more instead of wasting it (I see it as being wasted since the kids are so young) on a trip to Disney World? I feel like even though you guys are parents you need to get your priorities straightened out, especially after reading the stuff posted in this thread. Imagine how nice of a car you could buy for yourself if you saved the money from the tax return, your joyride, and whatever else your spending money on and waited those few months you were going to wait anyways to get another car. You could actually have something thatll be safe to drive and will last you a few years! Anyways this is just my $.02
  10. Great lookin car man! GLWS!
  11. Its a good idea but like you said its illegal and so mean... that would definitely instantly kill somebody, i dont think hes trying to take trailer protection that far...
  12. Wow I cant believe he died... Hit me right in the feels...
  13. I think the 2010 and up look better, plus the 5.5TT motor is just amazing. I still think a new CTS-V Wagon would be a contender in my eyes, it isnt a benz (Which means mods and repairs would probably be cheaper) and the motor is just as stout, and the CTS-V wagons looks so mean! (And can be had in a manual, if you want that for your DD of course) If it was me id have a real hard time choosing between the 2010+ Benz and the new CTS-V Wagons. For a daily i feel like id almost rather have the CTS-V in an auto though, the LS motors are proven time and time again to be reliable, and the new CTS-V's have that look that you dont get in a benz.
  14. Thats great to hear man! Yeah ive heard of a BUNCH of them getting stolen recently. Possibly the same people or group of people? Also why would trailer theft be such a big thing or why would they keep wanting to steal them?
  15. The car on the new wheels looks just damn amazing! Would of picked just something exactly like them if I had one, if not the same. I like the look of those even more than i like BBS RS and RS GT's. Can't wait to see it with the rearcos and rollbar installed. I feel like without the rear seats, the rollbar and seats in it will make it look that much better and that much more aggressive.
  16. Its passed 3am but if i can help anyway i will.
  17. Same thing I was thinking, if i started getting light-headed or smelling GAS even id pull off and air the car out and get some fresh air. Same thing i was wondering, seems like they waited a good 3-5 minutes of knocking (Since it was sped up) before they finally decided lets break the window to get him out, his eyes are open but hes unresponsive. Could of been a health issue or anything, but i feel like they waited WAY too long.
  18. Heres the link to the story : http://www.carthrottle.com/carbon-monoxide-poisoning-nearly-killed-this-driver-this-is-his-story/ Heres the video , the video narrates it pretty well but there is still shots and a little more info in the write-up its-self. Guy is extremely lucky to be alive after this and his car be in one piece.
  19. The original video wasn't funny, i feel like she could have done better just jumping out and trying to land on her legs/rolling but just didnt have the balls to jump till the firefighter basically dragged her out and dropped her. But Damn that second one was!! Hahaha
  20. Fubar231


    Interesting, it could have to do with when you choose the % more money upgrades, as for the price increase on things i think that has to do with how much you make per second, cause i played it a second time some and at 125 Mining Shibes there 2.2mill each when earlier i had 300 that were only 200k, most of this was done AFK though and buying more expensive things as much as i could since i was AFK saving a lot more up. Once i started making decent money the game lagged real bad and the seconds started becoming 2, 3, then 5, etc (Well thats how long it would take to make how much i was supposed to a second). Then FINALLY towards the end i went into the settings and turned off all the animations and my money started goin CRAZY.
  21. Fubar231


    Once i got this far i quit, but i was able to spend that trillion on a few more things and make over 5 billion a second http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/dogejpg_zpsb290b281.jpg http://s50.photobucket.com/user/SevereSarz/media/dogejpg_zpsb290b281.jpg.html http://s50.photobucket.com/user/SevereSarz/media/dogejpg_zpsb290b281.jpg.html
  22. Fubar231


    This is proof that no matter what it is that your doing, as long as you can upgrade and continue to get better, people will do it.
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