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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/coupler.jpg The black ring of stuff in the center sticks out enough to catch a fingernail on
  2. Is stoners glass safe to use on the inside of the couplers? The ones i got have some thick black residue in some spots id like to clean off. (These are used couplers and came with the product i purchased)
  3. Id give it a shot if the hamburger wasnt so damn thick and the pizza just didnt look like ass. Maybe a wendys JBC sized patty inbetween two donatoes squares and some bacon.
  4. Id say window tint is a permanent shielding that obstructs driver view. But then again... so is a tinted shield on a helmet.
  5. Well, awesome, and awesome, and a little more awesome. Anyways, enough shittin up this thread.
  6. PERFECT EXAMPLE why window tinting isnt worth it.
  7. Except tinting your front window is illegal... Have fun gettin pulled over all the time. Shit it'll probably happen anyways in a loud ass murdered out stang. If i had a black car like yours, id probably tint the windows for the murdered out look, but im just not a fan of tint.
  8. Get Dakota leather (The dakota black leather stayed at 60 degrees in a car with all the windows up and doors shut for 6 hours in the sunlight) Privacy... What are you doing in your car that you need to be so private? If your gettin some road head dont you want everyone to know your a pimp? Tinting your front window... Not even going to start with that. I got nothin for the sun beatin down on your skin... My friends got 30% i believe on his car and i think thats horrible at night, i guess im just not a window tint person. The only window tint i like is that like 80-90% mercedez blue tint. Can see out eaisly, see in, and keeps the sun outta your eyes.
  9. That explains why you use intel hah. Ever thought about starting a buisness and building car pc's for people? I bet a lotta rich people in dublin will pay big $$ for Car PC's... Just have to make sure they don't work unless its in park, cause then we'll really see how bad people can be at driving (I.E. Facebook/Myspace while driving... Oh shit)
  10. Fubar231

    Dear GM,

    haha thatd be hailarious.
  11. I'd agree with that. Whats with window tint anyways? Im personally not a fan of it, i like to be able to see, especially at night. Cars with 5% tint at night... its like looking at a black wall. I cant imagine how driving a car with 5% on the rear window would be at night...
  12. 360 sounds better. I dont know what kind of load you plan on putting on the machine (IE Stress Testing) but it doesn't seem like too much. Anyways, good luck with the build. One last question... Why intel?
  13. You really think 250 watts will be enough to power 8 gigs of ram + that cpu? EDIT: Thats a beast ass heat sink in those last pictures, i need to get one, the stock AM2 one sucks fucking ass.
  14. Whats a good way to clean silicone couplers? Ive heard things from furniture polish to baby wipes... What should i really use?
  15. Wow ramsey... Get a little bored?
  16. Only saves video to SDHC Cards? No build in hard drive?
  17. Bump... Cmon buy this shit already.
  18. Haha yeah. 6:21 - 6:23 just doesn't look real its so badass.
  19. JESUS! I didnt know hornets could rip bees in half. FUCK!
  20. ... she'd never be found.
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