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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. PM'd Not trying to break it up, sorry.
  2. http://columbus.craigslist.org/ele/1235186704.html Ive decided the system has got to go, it has been in my car less than a month, it hits too hard for my little hatchback. Everything included is: 1 - JL Audio 500/1 Class D Monoblock Amp 2 - Alpine Type R 1242D's 1 - Slot Ported 12's Box (36x13x16 Width/Height/Depth 4.33Cubic Feet) 1 - 1.5 Farad SPL Capacitor with Digital Voltmeter Wires - 4 Gauge power/ground wires with 80Amp fuse, RCA wires, all the speaker wires, and the remote wire. Dropped to 500$ No LESS http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/3-3.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/2-2.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/1-2.jpg
  3. Smoke cock @ your expense hahahaha
  4. Stop bitchin cause you can't do it....
  5. Buying cars on the auction house = Not setup. And stop hating on drifting just cause you couldn't ever learn to do it, and now your gonna start hating on drag race cause you can't hit 260? Hmm... You seem like you don't like things you can't do.
  6. Paul, blow another motor up bitch. And i can fucking set up cars to run tracks, but im not gonna spend hours tuning a D class car, then a C class, ETC. Just so i can fucking race them one time, sounds pointless.
  7. Im done with this stupid shit
  8. Thats why you use stock cars, unless someone fucks up, its neck n neck the whole time. And since when are stock cars boring? Stock Z06 and shit? Your fuckin lame. You can't agree to one damn rule im asking. I could give a fuck less what track were on long as were using stock cars.
  9. Your completely avoiding the whole thing here paul. You want to use "Tuned" cars etc, and CHOOSE the track you tune the car on. You can make a 1100 HP Charger B Class, Rape straight away courses, you can make a 1500LB Elan rape B cass courses that have tight turns, im not trying to tune a car so you can choose what were doing. Thats why im trying to use stock cars, with collisions off, so we can see whos better.
  10. And no im not racin for $ unless we can come to rules that we both agree on.
  11. You obviously didn't understand a word i just said, and last night, i did win a race. I beat you guys in that C Class shit when i was using the Saleen. I wasn't even down for these gay ass races, let alone you getting to pick the track everything. And fuckin lets do 2$ a race up to 10$ w/ stock cars tonight sure. Bone fucking stock from the forza garage. Oh, and what kinda fucking noobs leave on collisions? Cmon now...
  12. Yeah you beat me in the two races, because i was using stock cars. I dont have any fucking D C B A class cars etc. When your racing to see whos better skill wise, you all use the same stock car. Its extremely funny that i stayed with you both of the races too, yet again, IN STOCK CARS.
  13. We doin drags or stock cars? If were dragin you better be able to hit 260's.
  14. Double! Turn them into homemade grenades using gunpowder and bb's?
  15. X2 x3 EDIT: If you store nugs in them, wrap them in electricial tape or spray them black, so these smelly nugs can cure and be even smellier!!
  16. I can do easy bolt ons, thats about it. I wouldnt want to risk fucking anything up, i mean we have mechanics for a reason. Oh and robs the shit
  17. Some people are legit and just really want their stuff, also if you send money to someone through paypal and they can not 100% prove they shipped the item and that it got to you, you will get your money back.
  18. Everytime ive done anything on craigslist its been face to face. Also, i always meet in a popularish place (i.e. Gas Station ) cause you never fuckin know.
  19. The more i look at it the more i like it... Gonna get yellow rally fog lights? haha
  20. Sounds like 2 things A. Dead battery B. The pin that connects your charger to the mobo is getting loose/about to break off. It happened to one of our old laptops and bestbuy said the whole motherboard needed to be replaced and that we should just get a new one.
  21. Sorry to hear... Sucks when shit breaks, especially when its still new to you, makes it that much worse.
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