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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. and a certain someone's boosted camaro... lol
  2. Sorry to go OT but i bet my 500 watts hits harder =] Free bump, gotta sell my bumps too.
  3. i feel you man, a few weeks ago i came out of meijers (i even parked in the back) to notice someone hit my car with there shopping cart and left huge scratches... my cars not nearly as fresh but it does suck.
  4. Go-Ped is pending sale.
  5. Akula, do you have a intel based mac, or on top of that do you have one that runs both the mac os and windows? Ill look around on crackberry to see if i can't find a desktop manager mac fix or something for you.
  6. miniature pinscher are pretty good dogs, my friends had one, although its old now and just lays around.
  7. Whatever you do, don't get her a yorkie. Our dog NEVER SHUTS THE FUCK UP!!!!! Its a badass dog though, cute, small, pure badass lol.
  8. http://www.amazon.com/Photoshop-CS2-Dummies-Computer-Tech/dp/0764595717 All your tutorial problems solved lol. Random thing, i got a few of those "How to learn Photoshop" cd's (Came to me by accident) by that bald dude who makes em. Like how to learn photoshop, how to use ebay etc. that guy. I got like 2 or 3 and if you want a cd to learn photoshop let me know.
  9. Do something awesome to it! (Insert hailarious aquatic car topgear clip here)
  10. Im not much of a picture guy but the photo looks good. Its real sharp, and focus seems to be great. Coming from a average (Non artistic) person though.
  11. True, but just make a backup of your .75 data? But then again this all goes back to the not having a computer thing... Someone needs to design a program to backup/restore data on your blackberry.
  12. Last pic = teh sex
  13. Pics of go-ped and rc car added
  14. Gimme a hour or so. Ill have them up tonight.
  15. I got a HPI RS4 Nitro RC car im trying to get rid of, asking 150 for this. Comes with 2-3 bodys (all but 1 dont fit, either too long or short). the remote, the glow plug starter, and whatever else i got. EDIT: Some old pics of the RC CAR (Found in my photobucket from last year) (The blue porchse body is the only one that fits, it looks like ass my bad. The stock wheels got ate up so i got the chrome 5 spoke's but i could never find a matching pair.) http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/Rightsidenaked.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/Leftsidenaked.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/Leftsideporchse.jpg and one more time incase people miss it 150$ for the RC Car w/ everything Shoot me a PM and we'll go from there.
  16. Apple fails, AT&T fails. Iphone = fail
  17. Don't be a tech noob and run the .75 software. Get online, get some beta software (Like i have, running / 5.0 Hybrid) and its fast as hell. Also shrunk my OS with all the un-needed files and i sit at about 45 megs of memory free at all times, with 0 memory leaks. I recommend not getting the VZW software, and just going to crackberry . com and learn how to put on beta OS's, since new ones come out like every week.
  18. Hah alright. Bring your slow pos out sometime then. EDIT: Waste of time, who cares about a high kid and a retard racing.
  19. Note to self. Don't race blue cobras.
  20. http://forzamotorsport.net/en-us/news/The-Ultimate-Racing-Wheel-for-Xbox-360.htm 6 Speed H pattern shifter w/ reverse. Clutch, brake, gas pedals reinforced with good backgrounds not flimsy. 900 degree rotational wheel. Now what to do with my old, crap ass, microsoft wheel.
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