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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. Cause the 1 person i know that has them says they suck fucking dick.
  2. My bad fuck. I know the 7m comp is 7.8 stock so thats what i was just throwin out as numbers. Wasn't trying to be 100% fucking correct.
  3. Thats awesome. Do these things actually work btw?
  4. What in the fuck? Its literally a rap video - the bitches not wearing next to nothing.
  5. What are you putting in? a 2 or 3mm? Some guy on SF put a 2mm in his 1jz-ge and it lowered the compression a little. Enough to run a few more lbs, maybe 2-3, but nothing dramatic. Id just swap in some GTE internals or go aftermarket when you do your headgasket since the head will already be off. Dunno what a 1.5jz compression ratio would be stock though, since its half of a 1j and half of a 2j lol.
  6. That this was INSANE? Im not the grammer police or anything, but damn that doesn't make any sense lol. EDIT: I Spelled grammar wrong, that should let you know something right there.
  7. LMAO I KNOW!!!! WTF?!?! Its such a tiny ass little township ass place LOL
  8. Gotta love the sound of a RB
  9. Yeah shawnee hills! I used to live up there. fuck the po tho. EDIT: Those last few pics, are EXACTLY right next to the bogey inn right? Another edit: The first few pics, taken by the juvenile place right? You can get a badass photo w/ it in the background if you go to Area J.
  10. GE Internals have a higher compression, and the stock injectors are 330cc. So, hes running 330's and like 9.5 to 1 or 10.1 compression instead of 7.8 So yea...
  11. If you can drink 4 beers within 1 hour then drive through the checkpoint and pass ill personally hand you 10$. It all must be on video to prove too. The 4 beers, the time they were drank, and driving through the checkpoint.
  12. Now thats video worthy. Little black cat chases big black dog around.
  13. Thats a bigass puppy man.
  14. Great reason for your car to look like a pos! No im kiddin, mines black, silver, yellow (under the silver and its not yellow...) and fuckin rust. yeah.
  15. Haha i watched the vids. The cat must of felt like fucking king on top of that rock
  16. Sounds like you guys got one hell of a dog there. Id... actually like to see this.
  17. Oh shit. Give it a few months and well have little replica motorcycles. Like the tiny v8 motors they make... Anyways, badass! I want a rolex crotch rocket lol
  18. Are we saying wtf to the dude naked, or the chick on the right, or the chick on the left throwing an axe. WTF?
  19. With your car its the 40 roll club.
  20. This is all so crazy! lol. This is my input. Run cars for each second in the 1/4. 10 sec 11 sec 12 sec etc. Make the cars hotlap 3 runs. Winner = Profit? This is the only possible way i can think of this being fair.
  21. I Lol'd when they all started diving at first. I wasnt sure what to expect lol
  22. Shit was crazy! What a fucked up ass bitch. Wonder what the dude next to them fucking was thinking when he saw that. Probably looked down, saw the kid, looked back saw the lady pop himself and now hes got fuckin mental problems. Some people man... seriously..
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