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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. 345.67 HP @ 7,400 RPM 3.08 lbs torque @ 4400 RPM
  2. Iuno what some other people think, cause everyone has their own mind, but why would you ever try and simulate / emulate the pain someone is going through? Im not trying to get into a discussion, but isn't that what you try and stay away from?
  3. I couldnt even begin to imagine. Id see a big ass block of concrete fall, then id just wake up with my foot bigger than my head n be like WTF? I just wanna see how this shit ends up healin. And who the hell can't look at shit like this? Cmon........ pussys......
  4. a ton of concrete + foot = that. if im correct.
  5. God damn that is a clean ass mustang! Who reupholstered your front seats? They look to good to be factory.
  6. That definitly looks like it fuckin hurts man. Is there going to be any long term damage / nerve damage / etc. that you know of yet? Anyways hope shit gets better. Keep the pics comin btw.
  7. Driving and texting, not good. Texting while watching this show, good. Got it? Get it? Good.
  8. Glad to hear it wasn't something so serious. Good luck with the rebuild and can't wait to see it hit the streets again. Back to the original topic
  9. Ah i was gonna say. Well shit man good luck, did you guys ever find out what it actually was? Sorry to go off topic / thread jack.
  10. ...??? ......???? ...............?????????????
  11. That mean the cobras back togetheR? I kinda lost track of that...
  12. If you dont mind me asking, how did you do that?
  13. I lol'd , it'd be even sweeter if he somehow shot there ball outta the air n shit
  14. Regal = 1000x more impressive than the mustang... or what you could call a mustang
  15. Only royal purp, and i try to stay as close to 3k as possible. 10w30 in my boosted app
  16. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/Untitled-3.jpg Better? EDIT: I can't get the back rims to look any shinier than that without, putting more than oh 30-45 seconds of work into it. The front ones should give you a better idea though.
  17. Heres the 2 sol didnt do http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/Untitled-2.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/Untitled-1.jpg I can always re-do them lighter/darker if you would want it that way, since the top looks kinda flat now that its a jpeg, and the bottom looks real dark.
  18. Im a horrible fuckin person. I lol'd through most of it
  19. Lmao! I love watching everyone trip on shit hahaha
  20. Yeah go for it wasn't sayin not to look for one, but i figure'd if someone wants 30-40$'s for one you could just get that. Looks a lot eaiser than finding old drivers etc. or whatever. gl with finding it though
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