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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. Theres one thing i dont understand... build a 100% custom hand made lambo, and use cheap autometer gauges wtf?
  2. Oh man that is fucking priceless. His smile at the end just put the finishing touches on it, still cant stop laughing.
  3. Does anybody remember a few months back when the KKK suppobsdly threatened barrack? I sure remember reading about it. The thing that i have been worrying about this election is mostly this, but what happens if McCain gets into office. Do you really think he can live another 4 healthy years? Let alone maybe 8. Also, barrack is definitly a target for the kkk/skinheads/white supremacist. Who knows we'll see.
  4. Id just get a set of Blizzex's. Yeah there a pretty penny but they are not disposable tires, and there the best snow tire ive heard of. Thats of course if you have a extra set of rims to let them sit on year round. Thats my plan when i get a new set of rims, take my stockers and put blizzex's on them for winters.
  5. Has anyone had a turbo rebuilt by a shop in or around c-bus? Im trying to find a place locally to rebuild and clip/trim my turbo, of course im trying to find someone with experience with a shop that does good work. Any referrals or help would be great.
  6. Wonder how the 4 doors will work. Will all 4 slide out then up facing forward, or do you think they might go a suicide approach and have the rear doors lift backwords...
  7. Can you imagine climbing up a ladder when its still facing the ground (IE your backs facing the ground) The guy is 90% up the ladder before it even touches the wall. I wont even get on a ladder till i make sure its steady as hell and im not falling lol.
  8. either that or by the time he realized it was gone (6 am) it was already stripped out...
  9. What if someone drove that on the road, and got hit...
  10. I played around on the creature creator when that came out and that was pretty fun. Downloading it now, but who all is getting Diablo 3 / SC2 when they come out? And has anyone heard that EA is banning people for making "Sporn" heh.
  11. That is so sweet, give them a few more months and theyll make a twincharged lambo
  12. Man that car is fuckin nasty. Lower times to come of course, 9.66 is just the beginning.
  13. Did i say anything about racing at polaris? No, did i say anything about racing illegally? No. We have all fucking seen what happens, and its not worth it. Im not tryin to get my ass in trouble, ill take it to national trails / norwalk / kilkare.
  14. If im not mistaken are these the two CRX's that go up to polaris together? The pink one with the white front bumper, wich he recently turbo'd, and the yellow one with the front all black?
  15. Anyone see this before? Sweeter than a eletric civic, faster too. Go toyota for selling the most cars, and does anyone else think that it looks a lot like the concept camaros but 4 doors?
  16. Does anybody know a good shop to get my seats re-upholstered. There all ripped and stuff and im sick of my seat covers.
  17. Anybody else notice it was a 5,000$ camera they were using? Those shots look magazine worthy if the car was cleaner.
  18. Woah woah woah were not best friends there, slowdown, and he doesn't even show up since the kid in the mustang almost beat his ass at a party. F.Y.I. Hes lookin at a talon tsi or somethin.
  19. Im pretty sure i only need the mast (Someone broke my antenna off, like bent it off) Not entirely sure though, might need it all.
  20. Same. I need a some new seats, and misc interior parts. Also a damn antenna cause im not paying 300$ for one from toyota and still havnt found a aftermarket one that will fit correctly.
  21. The heads being machined because there are grooves in the front and back of it. Pretty deep too. After being shaven down about half a mm or so, (not exactly sure what it is) the valve stems are going to be too long. And id rather have it done right then what would sound ghetto w/ thinner lifter shims. When i was there saturday they had all the lifters laid out and numbered and were going to make sure they were all correct monday.
  22. Every time i look at gas prices i just think how much it would suck to be in Europe. Its nearly 10USD over there for a gallon!
  23. I personally wouldnt go to circuit city on sawmill road. My friend went there to get his subs/amp installed, and he told them to make the amp hidden. He even told them where to mount it. 2 hours later we come back and they mounted it like directly in the center or the rear window... Tsk tsk tsk
  24. I misunderstood him on the phone. He said the valves are going to be too long after the shaving, so he needs to shorten them. Sorry about the confusion.
  25. Nope, The dude i bought the car off of had the HG done at some point, but was done wrong then. Ha i wouldn't give that shop a fuckin PENNY if they fucked my car up.
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