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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/lmao.jpg Ahahahahaha.
  2. Man. Decisions lol. Also, i cant find the greddy for cheap, and i dont really like the AEM personally. Just not a big fan of it.
  3. So gas up to 109 octane is unleaded? Or just a certain brand
  4. That was worth the 5 minutes i spent reading it. That dude got fucked, lets hope he gets a free ass trailer out of this! Sue there BALLS OFF THE WALLS!!!
  5. Racing gas differences. Torco 112-114-116-118 Right? C12-14-16 Might be missing some? Pump gas. So i know that torcos whatever is there octane rating, but i was wondering if its leaded gas. And what about the C14-16 stuff. I was reading and i read that Torco 112-118 is all leaded, C14-16 is leaded, C12 is unleaded, and Pump gas is unleaded. Am i right? Im looking for some higher octane fuel for my supra, but it can't be leaded.
  6. That fucking happened to me. A WHOLE FUCKING GLASS of RED HI-C on me. I was driving and lifted it up to take a drink, *What was i gonna do throw it at someone?*, and fuckin BOOOSH. I was pissed, no i was more than pissed, i was fucking pissed.
  7. Better hope your cop buddies dont see this one haha.
  8. Nasty Integra man, welcome to CR. Im in love with massive FMIC's. How much boost are you running? Ive seen a lot of turbo'd cars with MASSIVE amounts of hp, but no torque. Seems like thats what yours is. Not hatin of course, love the teggy.
  9. One thing that sucks ass about wrxs/stis. THE CUP HOLDERS!!! There right in below the ac vents, and you cant keep a drink cold for the LOVE OF GOD. Its ridicolous. This is on the 04-05 models though.
  10. Haha, wonder what honda talk is? Would you like to fill this one out ?
  11. Can i put the evo talk in retrospective? "Hey man sick evo!" "O shit man look at your evo" "Man i love evos" "Me too" "evos" "evos evos" "God i love evos" Something like that?
  12. Haha nice. About hitting Fuel Cut on the 7mgte. Someone said its 14.7 lbs but i cant really believe that. For every 1000 feet above sea level you are the air is more pressurized, and being high or lo air can affect that too. Not saying our fuel cut isnt 14.7lbs, but what im saying is if i tuned it to 14.7 lbs, some days it might be fine, then the next (If it rains or something) the air pressure could change and then i could be hitting FC all day long. Im just gonna put it to 10-11 lbs untill i get my injectors and new AFM, so i don't have to get out the car and mess with it every day. As far as the A/T cooler goes, i got a CS&F radiator, all metal, with the A/T cooler built in. Cant really tell if it works any better because the fucking headgasket went the same day lmao. Do you know of any good aftermarket a/t coolers? Also, if i got a a/t cooler that wasnt built into the radiator, could i get a full aluminum radiator *Wich are suppobsedly for manuals only cause has no A/T cooler*
  13. Well i would buy a EBC but im not trying to drop half a stack on a boost controller lol. Im probably just going to mount the MBC on the passenger side of the car, probly around the strut tower. Also i heard, with MBCs, you can efficently control your boost more. With EBC's they just dial in like 12-12.1-12.2 etc or whatever, but i have been told with MBC's you will have a much more fine tuning area when it comes to boost.
  14. Crossle, the tibby did blow up once. PS Pump blew and poof massive smoke out from under the hood haha. The kid in the mustang does park, just, rarely... And ImUrOGBYN or w/e id love to meetup and supra talk for a while. Cars in the shop right now but who knows when it will be out. Im going to run 85lbs on my studs. Im getting a cometic bead style headgasket, with ARP studs. Slimpsy, thanks! The cars clean, but boy o boy does it have problems hahaha. Working on getting it back into running (good) state.
  15. Im getting a turboxs high preformance mbc bla bla whatever. Alright what i was askin about is if i mount it in cabin, will i get any surging as oppobsed to mounting under the hood due to the length of the lines.
  16. This thread made me stupider. Yup stupider. Especially after posting.
  17. My friends got a WRX, not a wagon, and man those things are great in winter. We can pack 4 200lb 6foot guys in it, and there pretty quick. I would go with a wrx, there great cars. Not to mention you can always bolt on stuff if you still want to have some fun hehehe. (Boostcontrollerboostcontrollerboostcontroller)
  18. Kinda out there but was it a dark green FD? If so that was my friend ryan, he used to take it to autox all the time, then he just kinda stopped showin up at parties and such.
  19. That would explain why your gas gauge isnt on empty...
  20. Well maybe ill take you up on that o.O Fuck that.
  21. lol i know where you live, who says i might tp your house what? lol thats what i thought :asshole: Big black dildo and some cds a what now? You can do what you want but im good, im just tryin to check out some cars man.
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