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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. Yikes! Sorry for the drivers family...
  2. Rev Limiter does not = Two Step. If your gonna do that get a 2-step and set it lower so it doesnt destroy your engine...
  3. Also for everyone saying "Drop him drop him" it would of been easy for the cop to shoot him had he pulled anything out. It might be this situation because the guy was obviously trying to do suicide by cop.
  4. The cop had his gun pointed straight on the guy the entire time he was backing up, at any point if the suspect had pulled out a gun or any wep it would of been over for him in no time. He could of pepper sprayed or tazed him while he was backing up, but instead of just lighting a suspect up first chance, he gave him the benefit of doubt. Yeah the guy just killed two people but the cops life wasnt being threatened, so there would be no reason to kill him. I feel like if more cops thought about what they were doing before lighting someone up it would be a lot better. Too many cops shoot and kill unarmed people, people that "Threaten there life" when watching the video there was no way it was threatened, etc. Cops are on a power trip and its getting fucking old seeing the biggest gang in the u.s. get away with murder. ESPECIALLY when they murder someone WITHOUT A WEAPON.
  5. I applaud this cop 1000x over. He could see the man didnt have a weapon so i feel this is the charge that all cops should take. If more were like this man i bet so many people wouldnt have a problem with them (Most) and wouldnt feel so on edge.
  6. Toy Barn only got there 100-110k, auctions charge HEFTY amounts. I cant imagine barret jacksons auction fees...
  7. Looking good man! Also this was a fast build thread haha, most are up for YEARS.
  8. ^^ Underground bee nests SUCK! I STEPPED in one as a child, they chased me all the way into the house, it was HORRIBLE.
  9. Do you have a pic of the hotside of your turbo so i can see how the wastegate is?
  10. Heres there website and a video below showing/explaining it. What do you guys think of these? Its a little old but I searched and couldnt find anything on it. Wonder if these will ever be implemented around here. http://www.starchase.com/ http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=5f1_1428981723 (Liveleak videos shows it being used in action by a cop in Australia, happens at :23)
  11. Technically someone could buy all 1500 tickets for $1200 (25 tickets for $20) and get the bike at a $300 discount lol, although i doubt you guys would let that happen. Happen to be a cap on how many tickets one person can buy?
  12. Looks like a blast guys! What would be considered a fast time around that track? What was your guy's PB's for the day?
  13. If you get the adjustable strange shocks for the rear, are you going to have different springs to put on it other than the cut ones? Id do the suspension too, even if you have to spend some out of pocket on it. How does the car ride with the cut springs on the rear?
  14. So talked to my mom a bit more since shes at work (She called me on a break), i guess the guy totaled 4 cars in total, and didnt care. Apparently he was drunk or something cause after he got out he was swaying, and said "Oh no I wrecked my toy, oh well I got others". Hes Wexner's neighbor, and the guy that works for my mom has been getting calls from lawyers all weekend. Heres a few more pics... http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/imagejpeg_09_zpssy59sggp.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/imagejpeg_10_zpsmp411zns.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/20150327_211819_zps1a2yxgc2.jpg
  15. The guy that was hit works for my mom haha, the car the lambo hit was a 2000's something Volvo.
  16. Fubar231


    Must of missed it LOL. Havnt seen Chuck in years man... Since hes had his notch. Hope hes doin good.
  17. Fubar231


    Is this the same chuck that used to have the notchback? Fat white guy?
  18. The "Last Episode Ever" was epic when I first saw it. Guy has skills lol
  19. Least I wasnt the only one thinking this...
  20. This is exactly how I am, except i feel as i dont need to really put much effort into it. I put my phone in my pocket, dont bother checking it at all for the text sound while driving, and if its a phone call ill look at it (To determine if its a priority, parent calling etc.) and go from there. If im even talking on my phone while driving (Which again is rare cause holding a touchscreen smartphone with your shoulder and driving a stick doesnt work well) i generally tell the person that im driving and ill call them back later. Im so against people using there cellphones while driving, and not even just cellphones, but ALL the ridiculous shit I see people doing while driving, instead of driving. Be great if the police could enforce the no phone use while driving, but look at them. There on there phones just as much, plus all the other distractions the officer has between the radio, laptop, driving, etc. Theres a lot more I have to say about distracted driving but i cant put to words what im trying to say at the moment. Nearly every single one of these drivers made it worse for themself when they looked up and over reacted, looks like almost every video shows them yanking the wheel the opposite way then ending up off the road or whatever.
  21. Ive heard nothing but bad about ohio hondas so was wondering if there was a better one?
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