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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. Also, when replacing an axle with traction control is it the same way as doing one without? Take off the cover, take the bolt out thats holding the bar thing in (Not sure what its called), pop the c-clip off and slide it out? Or is there extra stuff involved because of the traction control.
  2. That would be awesome if you had a axle that would work. I was looking at a stock replacement but they were more than the ones i was seeing on jegs, so i figured i would of just got an aftermarket one. If you got a axle that'll work with traction control that would actually make things a lot easier for me. Just PM me if you do and how much you want for it.
  3. Hmm alright, thanks for the info/help though. Ill have to give them a ring tomorrow and see if they can tell me which is the right one.
  4. Can you tell me which one is the right one? I can't see any differences on here, and theres no info about if there for trac control or not. The only ones that have the info are the Moser's and there the most expensive (Which id like to not have to buy the most expensive if possible) http://www.jegs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/MkMdlYrSearchCmd?searchType=MkMdlYrSearch&langId=-1&SUBMODEL=1670056&MODEL=1670049&MAKE=1670009&N=1670056+4294964919&Nty=0&catalogId=10002&Ne=1%2b2%2b3%2b13%2b1147708%2b1147708&itemPerPage=60&mmyAjaxResponse=submitMMYCmd&storeId=10001&YEAR=1669521
  5. On the axle its-self, is there anything different between the non-trac control cars and the ones with traction control? I was looking on jegs for a rear pass axle and none of them said anything about if they were for trac control or not, and I thought ive read somewhere before that there was a difference between them?
  6. http://www.car24news.com/ford-mustang-shorty-auctioned/ (More pics in link) Kind of looks like a old 280z lol http://www.car24news.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/ford-mustang-shorty_02-1024x614.jpg http://www.car24news.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/ford-mustang-shorty_01-1024x614.jpg http://www.car24news.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/ford-mustang-shorty_05-1024x682.jpg
  7. Footage of Pile Up - http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e62_1421553221 Also, the luckiest guy ever. He was in the crash. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=24b_1421541533 So crazy that hes alive!! http://edge.liveleak.com/80281E/ll_a_s/2015/Jan/17/LiveLeak-dot-com-24b_1421541533-image_1421541538.jpg.resized.jpg?d5e8cc8eccfb6039332f41f6249e92b06c91b4db65f5e99818bdd5974843ddd5b303&ec_rate=230 http://edge.liveleak.com/80281E/ll_a_s/2015/Jan/17/LiveLeak-dot-com-24b_1421541533-image_1421541538.jpg.resized.jpg?d5e8cc8eccfb6039332f41f6249e92b06c91b4db65f5e99818bdd5974842d2d245cd&ec_rate=230
  8. Im pretty sure the PS3 has 2 lasers in it, one a blu-ray laser and one a regular one. You might have to get the blu-ray laser/eye replaced.
  9. Can't agree with you more. This thing is badass! Too bad its not a short bed, but oh well. Those are probably getting hard to find, especially a clean shortbed C10. A good small block swap or a LS swap would be perfect for this thing, and LS motors or LS-Based motors are getting so cheap now. Only thing with the LS is you have to get a computer for it. Could probably find that with a trans and everything at a JY for a decent price. Truck is begging for a 5.3 or 6.0 with a 4l60.
  10. LOL! Im sorry but that shit was funny
  11. If you cant get at least $2k for it whole id part it out. Strip out all the main stuff, then have a 2 week / 1 month come grab whatever you need type of thing then junk it. When i parted out my 89 supra i made over $6k. Or just keep driving it and saving cash?
  12. Thats going to be expensive to repair/replace the shit he broke in there, those car wash's are not cheap at all. Probably going to be $100,000 if not more. I know at my old work when we upgraded our car wash (All new everything inside, same building) it was over $250,000 for the equipment.
  13. These things and the inline fuses you can buy have came in handy for me more times than I can remember, and like joe said, these $4 pieces feel like there worth $20 when your done and see how clean it all is.
  14. Oh ok that makes plenty of sense now. Personally I think I would prefer it that way.
  15. What is a "Stalkless" steering column? Im looking at it and it doesn't seem to different than others to me...
  16. This 1000x over. We should be taking care of our Vets way better than what we do... I was watching something on VICE I believe and it was a vet that got hit by a IED in Afghanistan, has minor brain damage, and he only gets $400 a month and isn't allowed on active duty anymore since the injuries. It makes me sick that Ms. Fuckseverydudeinthebar has 7 kids and gets paid for every one of them by our government, gets food stamps, etc. etc. but our damn Vets can't even get taken care of or what theyre promised when they join!
  17. Fubar231

    Hardcore Heroin

    But you can get FREE TREATMENT... FREE... FREE... Just blows my mind how people would rather live like that then get clean, when its OFFERED TO YOU.
  18. Fubar231

    Hardcore Heroin

    Yeah that shit is absolutely NUTS! Saw this when it came out, but DAMN! How can anyone think that shits a good idea? F*ckin gasoline, pills, and all types of shit injected into your bloodstream? Blows my damn mind...
  19. Fubar231

    Hardcore Heroin

    Ive seen people OD on heroin and have to call 911 and get emergency crews with Narcan out asap, its no fun... Not really going to voice my opinion on this, Have many friends hooked on this shit, between me and my best friend we know 10+ people that have OD'd and died, the real sad part? Nearly every insurance plan (Even free Obamacare/Medicare/Medicaid ones) offer FREE SUBOXONE TREATMENTS (Inpatient and Outpatient) to get people off this shit, yet they'd rather steal, rob, degrade theres and there friends/familys lives, then to try and get clean... Its just sad...
  20. I like the refinishing idea, the RPF1's, or maybe some concave TE37's?
  21. I would want a 2 door one then take it to some sand dunes or mud pits (With the right tires of course)
  22. Your top speed run is still on there somewhere. I show these videos to people every now and then, and i still miss the TOP END supra. The race with that and that hornet was awesome to watch years ago.
  23. Wow some people seriously think that putting a turbo on a stock NA motor automatically doubles the horsepower @ 1 bar? Where the f*ck do they read/hear this shit?!?
  24. Lookin good man! Really excited to see this setup when its done and how you built it / routing on the pipes. Another question is with your turbo being mounted so low are you going to use an oil scavenge pump to make sure it doesn't get starved for oil?
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