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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. Published on Feb 26, 2012 Published on Feb 26, 2012 Published on Feb 26, 2012 Published on Feb 26, 2012 Published on Feb 26, 2012 Published on Feb 26, 2012 Published on Feb 26, 2012
  2. Pretty sure this is a repost, and i also saw this a few weeks ago. Couldnt believe how bad the car looked after what seemed like a not so bad accident. I know it went down the side of the cliff and rolled on rocks though and thats why it looks so bad.
  3. Care to explain for those of us who dont know?
  4. This. That had to be quick, slamming into the ground upside down, then with a fire followed shortly after. Hopefully it was quick for them and they weren't in there suffering.
  5. Rich people problems lmao "honey i wasnt able to bring the yacht home, the overpass on the freeway is too damn short!!"
  6. Fubar231

    XBOX One

    If they didnt change that i wonder how launch sales would of been... Wonder if people really would of stuck it out like they said they would and not get it, or if they would just be a bunch of keyboard warriors and pick it up anyways.
  7. Ive never met Tinman but ive read nothing but good things about him on here, seen nothing but AMAZING fab work from him on here, and read nothing but great articles about him online. Hes one person from CR that id really like to meet, sit down, and have a conversation with.
  8. http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2013/06/18/columbus-experts-warn-of-dangers-of-smoking-alcohol.html WTF?
  9. Oh that was just fucking great. Can you really have a fax machine call a phone over and over?
  10. I wasnt trying to have people compare them to each other, but just state what they think is the craziest/most advance type of cars. After i saw this picture yesterday of the new F1 racing wheels (Posted Below) i about lost it.
  11. They both take off at the same time, and are supposed to get to XX speed and get next to eachother quickly, then stay like that till the light goes green. It just gets weird cause people will get to the speed as fast as they can or somethin and the other will be slower, then one will have to catch up, then say one tries to brake boost and falls back, it just ends up becoming a mess.
  12. Read this question on BangShift today and was wondering what CR thinks. Which Modern Professional Race Car is the Most Impressive for what it does? Top Fuel Dragsters? Sprint Cars? F1 Cars? LeMans? What type do you think? Can be any type, doesnt have to be listed here. What does CR think?
  13. I work at crown chrysler and ill see if anyone knows whats up with it.
  14. Wow if i was the guy in the spec car, when i got turned around and saw that miata right there i probably would have shat myself.
  15. This isn't a Juke R though, its a regular Juke they swapped the GT-R Drivetrain into, and put a Subtle body kit on (Thats what the vid says)
  16. Wow this year Drag Week is gonna be bad ass! I would really love to see someone give Larson a run for his money, but i have a feeling that hes gonna end up winning it like usual.
  17. Im normally on my computer so i dont watch TV except for when im laying in bed, but while im on the computer it is on in the background for noise, or my GF will be watching it or something. I WATCH tv maybe 1 to 2, 3 hours at max per day, but LISTENING to the TV lol, probably a good 5-6 listening to it. So Computer - 3 or so hours a day The Television - Maybe an hour spread out during the day, 1-2 while laying in bed at night (9:30-10pm till i pass out)
  18. Whatever person let a lil old lady go first is probably the worlds saltiest person right now
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