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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. This is where i would start. Also should check for vacuum leaks if that doesnt fix it, a big vacuum leak can cause the car to stall when dropping rpms.
  2. One of my friends parents used to own a place like this on bethel by the DMV, but i cant remember what it was called. Theres was mostly computer stuff from what i remember (Use there Everquest accounts etc, starcraft/d2 lans/bnet) but it adventually went under like all the others. I do remember going to these things though on fri/sat nights and paying $15-$20 and staying up all night with friends just playin games and havin a blast. Especially when Rallys was at the corner of bethel and sawmill, could just walk to rallys and get some amazing cheese fries or somethin and go play games. Shit was fun as a kid.
  3. Your going to need an allignment after you lower the car
  4. Been thinking of somethin lately, and was curious if anyone on here had experience with solar panels. Thanks
  5. This "Boost Brace" http://vibrantperformance.com/catalog/images/cat_1213_WEBL.jpg
  6. Awesome vid, just would of liked to see the MPH/ET's with the passes.
  7. You are getting spark and fuel though correct? He said earlier he was getting spark, so i dont think its ignitor related.
  8. They probably used the 2jz ignitor, just wasnt sure and figured it was worth checking.
  9. Thats the 7m-gte ignitor. You dont know which they used? A lot of times the 7m ignitors will have a weak ground and you can crack the case apart, and run your own thicker ground and that cures a lot of low idle misses and funky issues with spark. Ill go see if i can find the writeup.
  10. Got $100 on it. This is a 1jz mk3 right? Are you still using the ignitor from the 7m-gte? This one below http://images.oreillyauto.com/parts/img/large/bwd/cbe694_1.jpg
  11. Its so annoying to have the car try and push the pedal against my foot just because i give it some gas, dont even need to floor it for the traction control to try and push the pedal back. Don't know if youve driven a GM car with traction control (Not sure about new ones, but like my 2000 camaros traction control) it just shoves the pedal back at your foot and trys to snap the throttle closed, its extremely annoying. The whole car just falls on its face exactly like Cordell said. Isn't the point of traction control to help you accelerate as fast as possible without spinning? Why the hell do they design cars to just crap out when it activates. As far as it goes for using it, the only time i leave it on is when its raining or the roads are really wet, camaro tends to just let the rear end slide out when its wet. Other than that i cant stand the stupid shit.
  12. I feel like when i go to a parts store and the person ACTUALLY knows what im talking about it makes it a much much better experience. Id rather go to a store and have people that know wtf there talking about and pay $1 more or something just to have knowledgeable staff on hand. A 30 cent difference doesnt matter enough to not have a knowledgeable person.
  13. This. And i know how to build a motor from the ground up and i cant even get hired at autozone or something, but this kid who cant even properly remove window stickers can? Sounds like they sure know who to hire as employees.
  14. God why do people think this is the answer to what happened... This is so fu*king stupid.
  15. I just want to see what it looks like
  16. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Payment-Pricing/Best-Buy-Price-Match-Guarantee/pcmcat204400050011.c?id=pcmcat204400050011
  17. Dont forget to check NewEgg and TigerDirect , they normally have shit for pretty cheap.
  18. Seems like it would be the easiest and cheapest way. How bad does it smell? My camaro runs no cats and a dump under the pass. seat and i never smell anything.
  19. I cant stand ATI/Radeon cards. Had one years ago and will NEVER get another again. Never had so many problems with a GPU in my life.
  20. I got a EVGA GTX550Ti for around $140 at microcenter, and it plays skyrim with everything on the highest settings with no FPS problems, only have 4gigs of ram too. The 550ti is a GDDR5 1 gig card. I was using a 9800GTX+ before my 550ti, and the 550 just blows it out of the water. Its insane how much better the card is. Also i was reading about these cards before i got mine, a 550 will preform better than a 640 and so on. I originally picked up a 640, came home powered it on, did some FPS testing and reading on the internet and found out the 550ti was WAY better than my 640, so i took it back and got the 550 and have been happy since. Id either get a 660 or a 550. Dont bother with the 640's or 650's, 540's or any of the 400s. Im assuming you have a 650-700+ watt Power Supply?
  21. Did you cut up your front bumper? Looks like you cut out the part that says "CAMARO" and what not on the front bumper. If you did, can i get a pic please to see what it looks like?
  22. Just the buster showin how much of a buster he is :dumb:
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