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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. Well i guess ill try this again in the right section. So for the past week or so ive been trying to narrow down what could be draining my battery. The car is a 2000 Camaro, has a optima red top battery, and new alternator as of last week. So heres the background on it Maybe two weeks ago or so i noticed the car was cranking slower every time i got in it, till the point where i had to be pushed and clutch dump it to get it to start / get it home. Took my battery up to Napa and the guy checked it with his voltmeter or whatever he used and he said it was good, said to check my alternator. So i went home, pulled the alternator and went back to Napa, had it tested and it was bad. Replaced the alternator (Also messed up a wire but re-wired and re-pinned the connector when it happened). So after i replaced the alternator i thought it was all good, but after going for a test drive and having the car sit for a while, i went to start it and it was cranking super slow, stopped cranking for a second, then cranked again REAL slow and got it started. After this happened i figured ok, i must have something thats slowly draining my battery. Go to about three days ago, i pulled the battery and charged it. I put it back in the car and it was reading 11.9 volts. Go out and check it the next day, still reading 11.9 volts, ok good. Started the car and let it idle in the garage for like 10 minutes, shut it off. Go down to the garage the next day and it was still reading 11.9 volts. Go out to my car today and i hit it with the voltmeter and was getting 11.5 volts on the battery. Sit in the car and put the key to the ON position and my volt gauge on the cluster is saying 8 volts... wtf? Take the key out of the ignition, go check the battery and its 11.5 volts. (wtf?). Go put the key back in the car and put it on the ON position and 8 volts at the gauge, go check the battery and only getting about 8 volts at the battery. The car does have a aftermarket alarm/remote start installed (Has been on the car since i got it, i don't use the keyfob for it, i use the GM one), have an Electric Cut Out and a OBD-2 Gauge (UltraGauge), and HID's (VVME Kit, one for low lights and one for fog lights, none for my highs). Ive had everything installed for a while now and this just started happening, so i dont know if i should look into these or what. I don't really know where to start with wiring problems. I read you can test circuits in the car by using a voltmeter and hooking the +/- leads up to something (Dont know what) and by watching the resistance and pulling fuses you can find out which one it might be? Im not sure. Please, can somebody tell me what i should do, or maybe where i should start looking? Im probably going to have to end up taking it somewhere as i hate wiring and dont know really how to start troubleshooting it. If i do end up taking it somewhere, where would you guys recommend? IPS? Pickup Plus? A Stealership? Any help will be greatly appreciated. UPDATE So after being told to take the battery to AutoZone and have it tested heres what i got. Just called AutoZone cause the guy never called me back about the battery, and when i called him he said that it was charged but he was going to go run the test, and then when he picked back up he said its only holding 44% charge and it looks like the battery is dead. Told him id be by in the morning to grab it. Does this sound right??
  2. Why was my thread deleted? Im pretty sure it was in the right subform/whatever you want to call it.
  3. Fubar231


    I don't get it.... I mean why would you replace your instrument cluster with another speaker for fucks sake on top of the like 20 you already have in your door panels and shit... I don't, nor do i think i will ever, understand why people do this to cars.
  4. Saw this maybe a week ago or so, thing is just plain NASTY. I really like the mirror image turbo setups he does.
  5. Really looking forward to seeing the end product
  6. Have you guys never seen Hoarders? This aint shit.
  7. I know the GTE Plenum is forward facing and the GE plenum isnt, but why are you using GE runners on the GTE plenum instead of GTE runners. Are they longer/shorter/bigger or something?
  8. Whats the benefits of using the GE runners on the GTE plenum?
  9. Great vid! Taking a break on it though. First 14 or so minutes is showing the drivers and there qualifying times/pass. At 14:40 is when eliminations start.
  10. Welcome! Although that turbo manifold looks like it has no Wastegate Priorties at ALL!
  11. The only tools i used were 2 ratchets (One with a swivel head and a 15mm socket, another little one with a 13mm socket). So yeah, it can be removed in about 10-15 mins with hand tools. Getting it out for the first time..... not so much. Its not really hacked up. I picked up some 20g wire and re-built/re-pinned the connector, and where the wire broke i stripped them both, twisted them together real tight, used a butt connector and heat shrinked that together, then used actual heat shrink on top of that. Hopefully i dont have any issues with it, and im just happy i didnt have to go to a dealer and wait for the part and all that. I am pretty pissed i messed up part of my engine harness. I HATE, ABSOLUTELY HATE, messing up wires/harness's. Hah
  12. :lolguy: And can someone please tell me why it says "Born in America" on the front bumper
  13. Gotta go on a little rant here Today, had to go replace the alternator on my camaro. Its in the stock location which SUCKS (Bottom drivers side) and damn was it a PITA. Never done one of a LS car in the stock location, so after getting it all unbolted i couldnt get it past the rad fan / sway bar. After like 30 minutes of dicking with it i slid the bracket off first then pulling the alt through. So its off awesome. Go to Napa to have them test the alternator and when i get there the guys like "Heres your problem" and points to the clip that goes in the back of the alternator. DOH! Forgot to take the clip out of the back of the alternator and ripped the wire right off the connector. SON OF A BITCH! No new connectors at Napa, and don't feel like waiting forever to go to a dealership and have them order one so i figure the next best thing. Rebuild it! Grabbed a couple pins (5), and some rubber grommets to prevent water getting in there. So i get home and look up to figure out where the wire was that ripped out of the clip. Found it, and what do you know i only have maybe 1" of wire left. Damnit.... So get back in the car and drive back to Napa to pick up a spool of 20g wire to get this figured out. Get back to my house, get about a foot of wire, the connector, my new pins, and so on and start to re-build the connector. All goes well! Finally something is looking up for me! Go to put the alternator back on the car and have HELL trying to get it into the bracket. Tried to put the bracket on first and then slide the alternator up there, nope wont fit. Pull the bracket back off and help it up there with the alternator so there finally in the little hole they need to be, and cant get the alternator to go back into the bracket! Finally after about 20-30 mins of messing with it i got the alternator back in the bracket (After using a rubber mallet and some love taps to get it into place) and then bolted everything up. Lower the car off the jackstands to look down and notice one bolt laying on the ground! FML! Jack the car back up and put the bolt back in (The one that goes in the back of the alternator and is a support bolt i think) and then got it back off the jackstands, put the serp belt back on, and BOOM fires up on the very first crank! God was i happy!! Cliff notes: Alternator went bad, replaced it, broke something in process, fixed that, then got the car running again. All in all im happy and satisfied with myself.
  14. This!!! Would love to see some 0-100 pulls out on a country road! Maybe a clip from the outside of it launching too.
  15. "And a private jet that flies me way up in the air" Hahahaha
  16. Is there anyone there to make sure your using equipment, or can you go there with none and be ok? I want to go but i dont want to have to buy ropes/harnesses/etc.
  17. What kind of equipment would you need to bring with you to do this? I see it says bring your own equipment (Ropes, Harness, etc.) but what all would one need to do this? Also does anybody happen to have a picture of said wall?
  18. Shit like this pisses me off. DUI's piss me off more than almost anything else i can think of, because people who get DUI's normally get it lowered to a lesser charge or some dumb shit and end up getting just a slap on the wrist or like a 6 month license suspension, then when it comes to people getting jobs it seems like employers dont care about people having DUI's. My sister has had 2 DUI's, didnt blow for one and got it to a lesser charge i believe, and the other she actually got charged with a DUI. She got privlidges like right away both times, and it just disgusts me. Makes me mad that society is so forgiving to people who get DUIs. Ive had one posession charge of marijuana under 100 grams (Was less than 2 grams, basically $10 worth, and was only a Minor Misdemeanor), and i CAN NOT for the LIFE of me seem to get a job, i always get turned down in background checks, even for places like gas stations and shit, BUT DUMB FUCKING PEOPLE like the guy driving this truck who has had 6 DUIS and NO FUCKING LICENSE can go wherever and get a fucking job, BUT YET I CANT DO SHIT. Same way with my sister, can get a job basically anywhere after getting 2 DUIS but i cant even get hired at a fucking gas station. This countrys punishments for repeat DUI offenders is just plain stupid and pisses me off to no end. Thank fucking god i cant stand alcohol.
  19. Fubar231


    What all would one need to put this on a mostly stock LS1? I know a WOT switch and a Window switch, but what else? This is a wet kit right? Will the stock injectors/fuel pump be enough to handle this? Seriously interested though.
  20. God I absolutely love this car. That new supercharger is straight NASTY though, and that throttle body is HUGE! If I owned a new 5.0 i would want it to be exactly like this one. Also in for pics of dyno graphs overlaid.
  21. Heard that the BRZ will be turbo while the FR-S will be supercharged. Not confirmed just heard it.
  22. I would love to have no front plate but i doubt this will get passed. Until it does ill keep mine on my car behind the grill, i hate getting pulled over for license plate bullshit, happened way to many times to me.
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