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Everything posted by Exploder95

  1. nice. i've only been twice but both times the water was low...so i'd like to experience some of the more challenging rapids the river has to offer.
  2. yes, i am. i'm excited to get back up to campus. did/do you go to OSU?
  3. haha. i believe lower gauley season starts in early september...ive never been during that time but i've heard its rather intense...kinda wanna go this fall.
  4. I'd have to pick white water over a bike anyday...well most days.
  5. so heres some pics i just took...look at them and be thankful you drive what you drive. http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd356/Exploder95/IMG_5452.jpg http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd356/Exploder95/IMG_5453.jpg http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd356/Exploder95/IMG_5454.jpg
  6. im on the left...this is an old pic. more will be up very soon, im leaving work here in a few mins. and the mileage is still adding up...but i will say that she's on her third tranny, and many other small things are now (and have been) beginning to fail, i.e. I believe I am slowly leaking oil...there are spots all over the driveway where I park at home. I really just need the thing to last me until September when school starts and everything is within walking distance.
  7. maybe this will work... http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd356/Exploder95/exploder.jpg
  8. what do you mean by hosted?
  9. that's because its not working. this computer is impossible bc i dont have these so-called "administrative privileges" needed to do simple tasks. some REAL pics will probably be up tonight after i get off work. sorry.
  10. here is an old pic...taken last summer I believe. me on the left with the exploder, my best friend on the left...and our 'nice' rides... more to come.
  11. ha...another ride. I am a poor college student, so my $$ goes toward my education...sadly. and as for the pics, I'm trying but I'm at work right now and this computer is not cooperating with me...they will be up in the near future.
  12. So I've known about CR for a while now but just recently decided to join. For the summer, I'm located about 30 mins west of Columbus but I work on campus and I go to OSU so come this fall I'll be back in Cbus for the year. I don't drive anything spectacular...so basically I am here to gain some knowledge and just be a member. My ride is a 95 Ford Explorer with 309,217 miles on her (as of driving to work today)...so I am waiting on a breakdown or an explosion here in the near future. That's about it, if you want to know more...just ask. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=85689396&albumID=64732&imageID=24102838
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