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Everything posted by Exploder95

  1. Hmm...stop speeding...easier said than done. OR I could just invest in a detector and speed carelessly, like you. Oh yeah, actually my parents did say that to me...but they also told me not to have a boyfriend, and did I listen then?
  2. Right, so this is why I was confused when he said to me, "this adds up to 10 points, one more ticket of any kind and you are losing your license." Here's why: #1 - Feb. 2006, 79 in 65, 2pts #2 - Feb. 2007, 79 in 65, 2pts (Sept. 2007 I turned 18) #3 - July 2008, 68 in 35, 4pts #4 - Aug. 2008, 80 in 65, 2pts So shouldn't the first one not be counted in my formula as of right now?
  3. He may have been trying to scare me, but he definitely said "up to 2 years." Either way...I plan on being extra careful. It helps that I probably won't have a car on campus so there won't be much driving for me...
  4. I see what you are saying. I understand that the tickets never disappear, but two years after the date of each offense the points do? I'm just trying to get everything strait in my head...there's so many rules and stipulations I'm way lost. Thanks for all the input everyone.
  5. 12 points before an automatic suspension of up to 2 years...
  6. My first one was in Feb. of 06 so it should have dropped off in Feb. of 08...maybe the man just couldn't count, who knows. And as for my insurance, it was already rather high...but my parents pay for it so I can focus on paying for school...so I'm hoping to sneak off to college before they realize it has gone through the roof.
  7. I'm workin on my brother about this...he's 15 and trying to save up for a 360, but at the moment he doesn't have enough money for any games... I will let you know tonight or tomorrow for sure, but don't wait around if you get another buyer. Thanks, Erin
  8. 110 for everything?? or just the xbox? I think my brother might be interested.
  9. I'm not your bitch. :asshole: I was nothing but nice to you last night while you were limping around complaining about all your injuries.
  10. So I got a ticket today on I-70 for going 80. The cop mentioned that this ticket adds up to 10 points...but the only way this is accurate is if the points that I got from the two tickets when I was under 18 are still on my license. Do the points get cleared at 18? I thought at first they did but now I'm thinking they must not... help? Oh, also, is it common knowledge that if you are driving on the freeway and you see a cop (obviously after he saw you) actually walk ONTO the freeway and point threateningly(sp?) at you two or three times that you are supposed to immediately swerve through 3 lanes of road and screech to a stop as soon as you see the cop doing this? Because I calmly got to the right lane (using turn signals appropriately of course...) and pulled onto the shoulder, and the guy told me I could have been arrested for not pulling over after he "signaled me to do so."
  11. If you go to an Apple store, they can give you an earful about any/all of their products and the differences between them vs a PC. They were honest with me about the disadvantages with a Mac depending on what you are studying in school.
  12. that's funny...because you had no problem whatsoever going nut to butt last weekend when we were tubing: http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/dd356/Exploder95/IMG_5598-1.jpg
  13. Most people still call it Fitzy's but I think the new owners changed the name to Lakeside Plaza...or something like that.
  14. It was the Marathon at the entrance of the Lake.
  15. I'm in Toronto right now and everywhere you look the ceremony is being played over and over again...on practically every tv in the city. Actually, my parents are watching it right now in our hotel room...here comes China!
  16. yep i do, but i don't usually go at my house bc our shoreline is rocky/sandy and the best you can catch is bluegill next door under my neighbor's dock. across the lake from me though is a quiet little inlet thats usually pretty dependable around dusk. theres a big grassy area so I sometimes just go by myself and take the dog along...
  17. interested, that is if it hasn't already been thrown.
  18. He has. I asked him nicely numerous times...and now this is what its come down to...posting about his laundry on CR...it's sad really, you should probably feel bad for him.
  19. thanks, and thanks for being on my side about Liz, lol. Who cares, anyways? and don't worry about censoring yourself...I honestly don't talk to anyone from London besides the guys I go boating with (and Liz of course)...and they are cool.
  20. oh Chris, you are such a comedian... I already told you that you were right...and I know how much you love hearing that so why can't you just take your wins and drop it already?! Besides, you can't even get your story right...it wasnt about quality time (still isn't...), it's about all that laundry that I sorted so nicely for you that is STILL sitting on your pool table from THREE WEEKS ago because you "haven't had time to deal with" hmm...
  21. OKAY. :bs: and here's why: we have discussed the time with friends issue...it translates into your time-management issue. Secondly, nobody said aaanything about whacking it...acutally, I believe when I talked to you last you told me you were going to shower and I said, "Have FUN in the shower." and I meant it. Thirdly, its not like we share an account, and we don't even look at the same threads because half the stuff you look at I don't even understand! Oh, and btw YOU found ME, I didnt go searching for you. So there.
  22. Scalpers are always around the day of, but depending on the hype of the particular game...and how desperately you want to go...sometimes they are stingy just to see what you are willing to pay. Students, however, are much more dependable. Craigslist is probably good (never used it), but if you have a facebook, go to the marketplace section bc a lot of students list on there and get desperate at the last minute--i.e. night before...morning of--and sell for low prices just to make some fast cash. I would help you out personally, but I ordered my student season tix back in the spring and I'm not letting go of them for anything.
  23. After dealing with a particularly stuck up/bitchy woman today, as she walked away my supervisor turned to everyone in the office and said with a smile on his face, "You know, I'm positive there is a special place in Hell for people like her..."
  24. I agree completely. Our 8 yr old black lab, Buddy, just got a nice new bed and it has the memory foam stuff...i actually laid down on it and i have to say it's pretty damn comfortable. But then again, labs are prone to hip problems so it is a smart move as an owner. As for the jumping, if the dog is already 7 years into a habit, i'd say its possible but not probable that you will break the habit by training...or mouse traps...or whatever. Your best bet would probably be investing in a simple crate to keep her in when you are not home. Throw a few toys in there...maybe a treat or two...make it her own. Don't use it as a punishment, just try to make it a new habit for her to get in whenever everyone is out of the house. Good luck!
  25. I figured about the sarcasm part...but I thought about it and you are right, why should I need to look over your shoulder if I want to know what's going on? I'll just look myself.
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