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Everything posted by Exploder95

  1. just got a text from him he wanted me to say: "I have a blackberry curve with all the packages available on my phone (Tmobile). I have seen a lot of people use their phones for this. I am down at this shithole fort bliss in texas/new mexico and someone needs to log on for school. For some reason its not letting me post on CR. I can view it but it doesn't recognize the 'submit' buttons."
  2. Hey I'm posting for I Drive it...It breaks! What do you have to do to use a blackberry as a modem. He said he has his USB cord, and someone needs to connect it to their laptop to do homework. Anything will help. Thanks
  3. Last Activity: 23rd September 2008 03:29 PM
  4. Pics/video or it never happened Edit: Shit this is I Drive It... It Breaks!
  5. Exploder95

    canker sores

    Cut Deeper, eventually you will get below the crater. Edit: This is I Drive It... It Breaks!
  6. He was on American Idol, second season, he didn't win. Gay or not, you wouldn't like him anyways because he helps people, namely retarded kids and impoverished families in developing countries...
  7. Thats pretty much like saying you gave up loving women to start loving men. Lol Just kidding. Whoops, shit this is I Drive It... It Breaks! BTW
  8. Exploder95

    Hang overs

    Still I yet to see Chris make gramatically correct sentence
  9. Exploder95

    Hang overs

    Problem? I see a problem with you spitting on the carpet of my apartment, then proceeding to laugh uncontrollably and drool all over yourself like you belonged in a motorized wheelchair.
  10. lucky for you it wasn't a smaller dog. it takes approximately 1oz milk chocolate per pound of the dog to be lethal...so a 75 pound dog would have to eat about 4 and a half pounds of Hershey kisses for it to be certain death.
  11. k smartass i didn't say dogs were rich in vitamin C therefore we should eat them, i said they don't NEED it in their diets, implying that maybe excess amounts of vitamin C might not be the best thing for this particular dog.
  12. Exploder95

    Hang overs

    okay...the reason for me saying anything was because stimulants and depressants mixed together simply confuse your body and the messages sent to your brain...that's all. I didn't say it was gonna kill you....ok well mabye i did, but i was exaggerating okay?! ANYWAYS...Chris, there is no need to share any of those fun-filled stories about me and alcohol...simply no need. You're the best!
  13. If the dog is throwing up for more than a day, get an appt at your vet asap, or go to emergency services (I work at the OSU Vet Hospital ER, (614)292-3551). I'm not sure about the consequences of eating apples specifically, but I do know that dogs do not need vitamin C (which happens to be in apples) because im pretty sure their body manufactures it on their own... best wishes for your dog, Erin
  14. I need a 5" one. That way I can run my exhaust out the side still but then be able to shoot it up through a pipe in the bed and out above the truck. The way it is now it smokes so much I cant even get on it in any kind of traffic or I am gonna cause and accident. I wish I could really find on this big. Edit: This is I Drive It... It Breaks! I just realized this.
  15. I was in 7th grade, and had just walked into the room to see the second plane hit live. I feel so ignorant looking back because I remember thinking, "What is the world trade center and why is it such a big deal?" That day was a very rude awakening for my young and naive mind.
  16. I don't think there has to be a sign...my friend got a parking ticket for being in a "loading zone" once, and it was absolutely unmarked.
  17. Oh Chris, you know I would never take away such an important privilege as masturbation... You're the best :thumbup:
  18. Doesn't congress have to approve that kind of spending?
  19. Got my letter from the BMV yesterday...warning me about reaching six points. The points from my Feb. 06 offense did drop off, which means my total right now is 8 (not great, but at least its not 10...) after my most recent ticket. Its safe to say I'm done speeding for a while...
  20. That's a terrible idea, I will never drive a riced out car, or be a ricer at that. 18 year old, inexeprienced, distractable? yes. ricer? never.
  21. Okay, good point. But here's the thing, only one of the tickets was in my car because top speed is about 75...and it shakes...and I don't want to find out how long I have to go that fast before it explodes for real. All three of the other tickets were by state hwy patrol...and I was driving my dad's car, an 05 Vue, which is nothing more than an aluminum box on wheels. But I'm not making excuses for myself, I know I need to stop speeding because I am suffering the consequences, and will be suffering much more painful ones if I don't curb the habit.
  22. I did some research and reading, and for me the option to take that class justs gives two "cushion" points, which allows my max to go up to 14 points before an automatic suspension. Plus I think I read to be eligible you have to have no prior offenses for one year or something...not sure exactly. If I can do the class, I might look into it, but then again I won't be driving much at all once I'm back on campus, and they are getting rid of the car and taking me off the insurance after I go back because I'm costing too much money anyways.
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