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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. Thanks! It was good meeting you (again) and I hope you enjoy the headunit.
  2. They are 10" Rockford Fosgates (RF4810-DQ2) but like I said in the short description I'm pretty sure they are blown (or at least one is). If they work then you I guess it's your lucky day because you are getting them free since i'm only listing the price for the box.
  3. I have all of my stuff listed here: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1009934
  4. I've been going through all the stuff I don't use anymore and decided to list all of the car audio stuff together here before submitting it all on craigslist. Just PM me or send an email for more pics and info on anything you think you may be interested in. You can also contact AJ if you can't get a hold of me for some reason. Kicker 12" subs $200 obo Vented Dual Enclosure. These are very very nice and the box is in perfect condition. I have the manual. http://allash.com/sale/Sub_Kicker/CIMG2689b.jpg Qlogic 10" subs $50 obo I'm pretty sure these are broken but the box is great. If the subs do actually work then you just got them free since my price is just for the box. http://allash.com/sale/Sub_QLogic/CIMG2707b.jpg Kenwood 600 watt amp $100 obo http://allash.com/sale/Amp_Kenwood/CIMG2781b.jpg JVC 560 watt amp $50 obo Has scratches and a few of the screws are mismatched. I'm not 100% sure if this fully works because I think the subs I had at the time were the ones at fault. I'd prefer you test this before buying just in case. http://allash.com/sale/Amp_JVC/CIMG2796b.jpg Kenwood headunit - SOLD $100 obo http://allash.com/sale/Headunit_Kenwood/CIMG2757b.jpg http://allash.com/sale/Headunit_Sony/CIMG2713b.jpg' alt='CIMG2713b.jpg'> I live in Reynoldsburg and work in Dublin so I can meet you somewhere close to either location or you can just stop by my house. I will NOT meet anywhere for the subs because they are too freaking heavy for me to keep lifting in and out of my car so I'd rather you just stop by and see them.
  5. Yea really. He sold the Camaro for a reason and wouldn't stop talking about how much he wanted the vette. I guess some people are never satisfied.
  6. Hey, I can leave anytime I want and then you'll be stuck with the house payments, har har.
  7. Thread this poll started from: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?p=987805 AJ's old camaro for sale on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150353979430&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT
  8. ehhh... oh yea. I'll buy loto tickets tonight and if you were meant to have your camaro back then I'll win I guess if all else fails then you can whore me out on the weekends.
  9. DON'T DO IT... Better yet, just give me the vette so that way you can buy the camaro and still have both vehicles at our house.
  10. Haha! Now you know why I came to your party alone...
  11. Woohoo! Doc, that was the perfect way to suck up to me, but I won't forgive you until I get the Lotus
  12. Thanks for everything Doc! Sorry you (and many others) didn't even recognize me Maybe for your next event AJ will come out with me.
  13. Just because he's been there 13 years doesn't mean I've been there that long. I am in the IT department but am under a different group than Mark (I manage the unix servers).
  14. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Mark I'll miss you at work even though I didn't see you much this year Did you hear our CIO got let go too?
  15. 1 ticket = $15.00 12 tickets = $150.00 24 tickets = $300.00 Remember, the original price for each of these tickets is $42.00
  16. Ashley

    John Glenn

    The only person I've been on a plane with is Zsa Zsa Gabor, haha! She was covered in crazy bold makeup and wild bright clothes. The staff were treating her like she was the queen or something. Pic of her now and back when she was famous: http://www.fwi.co.uk/blogs/lincolnshire-farming-blog/zsa%20zsa.jpg
  17. You can make reservations to sign up to have a part where it is only for you and your friends (great for co-worker parties) but these passes are only good for the regular events. This means you'll be with other people. Maybe if you are lucky there won't be as many people there the day you go and you won't have others in your group. They have a ton of fields to play on so it's a possibility. Also, these tickets are good until the end of the year when they close.
  18. I have a total of 24 (2 booklets) Splatter Park all day admission tickets for sale. They are good for Saturdays and Sundays and are open from 10am-4pm. Each ticket includes all day admission, basic tippmann gun rental, safety mask rental, 100 wrek elite paintballs, and lunch. Original price is $42 each. 1 ticket = $20.00 = lowered to $15.00 12 tickets = $200.00 = lowered to $150.00 24 tickets = $380.00 = lowered to $300.00 http://allash.com/CR/CIMG2862.jpg http://allash.com/CR/CIMG2856.jpg http://allash.com/CR/CIMG2863.jpg Visit splatterpark.com for more info http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=5560+County+Road+109,+Mt+Gilead,+OH&sll=40.718095,-82.365367&sspn=2.818476,4.943848&ie=UTF8&ll=40.540417,-82.751427&spn=0.176634,0.30899&z=12&iwloc=A
  19. http://www.bizjournals.com/sacramento/stories/2009/04/13/daily1.html
  20. Better watch your back next time you are at the range... http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/moretop2/orl-marie-moore-shooting-video-040809,0,4312955.story?track=rss
  21. BS in Computer Information Systems from Devry in 2007. I ended up landing an internship at Sterling Commerce and eventually was hired on as a full time UNIX Systems Administrator. Later this year I plan on getting a personal trainer certification and possibly getting more involved with fitness type stuff... still not sure yet though.
  22. Ashley


    And somehow I managed to miss every cone!
  23. Ashley


    Driver school 04-25-2009 Sat National Trail Raceway (Registration isn't posted yet)
  24. This pizza saw is also a cool item: http://www.perpetualkid.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=3323
  25. I'm not sure how many of you are horror fans, but these are pretty cool. I like the blood table and the fluid stair rug. http://home.aol.com/new_in_home/photogallerytall/_a/bloody-good-home-accessories/20090312194709990001
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