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Richard Cranium

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Posts posted by Richard Cranium

  1. You guys always find some great deals. I'm looking to stimulate the economy with some no kids money. I need a two seat tree stand and would love to see a company blowout some ammo deals.


    Post up those deals.


    I haven't seen deals on ammo all year. I check AmmoBuy and AmmoSeek daily. I have predefined searches on 12 gauge, and 209 primers saved on my favorites. Anything in particular you're looking for? I'll keep an eye out.

  2. Well we know the bad guys have guns, and the current ccw licensing is a bit of a joke.


    Take an 8 hour class shoot a little in it..watch some movies and take an open book test.


    When I took my test, we went around the room read the questions then gave our answer..there was one guy who could barely read but passed his test.


    How many people actually go out and shoot after they get their permit?


    Then you've got idiots like baldwin pointing and shooting a gun without checking it, that alone should be enough to put this bill to rest.


    I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but it sounds like we agree in part on some things. There are people out there that did not grow up around guns and have no idea how to be a responsible gun owner. The 12 hour class isn't much, but it's something. Something is better than nothing. I don't know how comfortable I am with literally anyone being allowed to carry with nothing behind it.


    It may sound odd me being a teacher and all, but the guy who could barely read still passed the test. It's not a reading test, it's a firearms safety test. If the dude knows the correct answers, then he knows the correct answers.


    What might sound odd is I'm not worried about the criminals. We all know they have guns, and will continue to have guns regardless of any laws enacted. Me worrying about them is a waste of time. Lets teach people how to properly handle a firearm and how to use them safely. We don't let people drive without training, carrying without proof of basic knowledge falls into the same category for me.


    Also, any particular reason we're discussing this in the boat crew part of the site?

  3. The lot out front was designed for floor-level retail, and the stretch on the north side is actually big enough for a Whole Foods or Kroger. The City folks realize coming out of COVID that it’s going to take years to fill in that space, if any.


    Apartment dwellers get gated parking garage access in the back…no tenants need to use the front lot. Nice benefit for an apartment!


    Fortunately for us, there is a bakery w/coffee moving into a 2k sq.ft retail space but even with that confirmed it won’t be opened until mid-2022. Will be nice to have breakfast options on-site again! Haven’t had anything like that since Cup O’ Joe shut down in late 2017.


    That's awesome. Having a place to sit inside and get breakfast when the weather is shitty was great!

  4. Talked to dad tonight. He's gonna have some nice gear he's gonna be selling in a couple months or so. A couple powered Mackie speakers, I think he said an 8 channel board, and maybe a few other things. He also said he'd def answer any questions. If you PM me your number I could give it to him.


    He said on the gear he's getting rid of it's not very old and all in perfect condition. He's acquiring it as part of a deal doing some consulting work and has no need for it. Said he'd let it go for about half what it's all worth.


    Sending you a PM with my number now.

  5. I posted this up last time and got some interest so I'll post again. I'll be going to practice next Sunday and the following weekend. If anyone is interested in coming or even giving it a try for their first time you're more than welcome to come give it a shot.


    Non member pricing is 50 dollars for 100 birds plus shells. I'll be going to Eagles Nest which is 11 miles north of Cardinal Center.


    I heard the price on birds was going up. My club had to increase prices on rounds of trap. Would love to come out again and see if I could do better (couldn't do much worse). Unfortunately I'm busy with a home brewing competition that day. Maybe next time.

  6. One thing I haven't seen anybody mention yet is music licensing... with a DJ (or just playing the radio), that's included. Doing it yourself runs into all sorts of public performance copyright infringement issues. Will the RIAA come beating down your door? Probably not, but it'll only take one grumpy piss-ant to land you in a world of hurt.


    That is a very good point. I haven't confirmed this with my administration yet, but I think I may be covered. My understanding is the school pays a blanket use fee for movies and I need to confirm, but I assume that covers music as well. I'm also told the school has some sort of Spotify Premium account. I'm not sure that license would cover something like the car show. Something I need to look into as well. Lots of good info folks. I really appreciate the thoughts here.

  7. It can be very complicated or very simple, depending on what your wanting just like about anything else. If your going need the sound equally distributed across the entire area you'd need a lot of speakers spread out and driven by an AMP that can handle a 70volt set up vs the usual 8ohms configuration. This isn't likely outdoors unless your talking about a really big outdoor venue thats permanently fixed.


    If your looking for what most places get such as what the radio stations bring to events in their van then that is more what I'm talking about above, you'll be able to hear it across the whole area, but won't be loud until your near the "stage" so to speak and then it will be too loud right in front of the speakers like I know you've ran into at events which is fine and just how its done for mobile applications.


    But yeah, there are calculations etc if you want to go full on "sound engineer".


    The radio station van is basically the idea. We are looking for background music, without blowing out anyone's ear drums. In the past the DJs have set up a couple satellite speakers to the right and left of the DJ booth. Probably 150 ft separation between them.

  8. Part of the reason I'm looking to pick the brain of an expert is that I assume there are equations for acoustics, and based on the size of the venue + outdoors vs. indoors + speaker number x distance / sound level = wattage.


    The parking lot will hold about 250 cars and is roughly square. According to Google maps the lot is 360ft by 250ft. Based on 2 speakers spaced out along the long edge of the lot I'm looking to push sound about 270 ft.


    We also have other outdoor events like field day coming up the Friday. We won't have a DJ for that event, but it would be great to have some music and announcements, etc... We also have indoor events. For the indoor events we have some permanent sound equipment in our auditorium and our PA system through the building, but the PA system speakers are from the 70s and suck pretty bad.

  9. Man, I didn't even think of this. That's all you'd need for shows and what not. Don't need two turntables and a microphone.


    My dad and brother own a live audio company. Dad has 35+ years experience and has worked with Live! Technology. They're always buying/selling gear and always look to hook up schools, churches, etc. Being that my brother went to a trade school and my cousins daughter now goes to Tolles maybe they'd be willing to assist. I'll try to talk to them tomorrow.


    Really all you need is 2 power speakers, a couple of stands, and a 4 channel mixer or something. You could run everything from a laptop or even a cell phone.


    When I thought DJ I thought professional DJ. Didn't even think just something to play music through and plug in a mic to make announcements and such. Let me shift my direction and see what they recommend.


    That's really more of what I'm interested in. I'm not doing weddings. Play music, make announcements, etc... I'd appreciate any and all input.

  10. Multi channel mixer, an amp to some speakers and a laptop to play music would get you going pretty well if your just needing an area set up for some sound and maybe a mic or two. Probably $1000-1500 to get that if you shop for price and at least some quality. I look at the Habitat for Humanity stores all the time and find nice stage equipment if you don't mind used to increase quality but some of that is luck


    Yep, nothing special. My questions are more about sizing, wattage, etc... Unfortunately I can't buy used gear when purchasing from the school. I'm sure there are some killer deals when guys upgrade. If I was buying for my personal use I would absolutely buy used.

  11. I've got a buddy who has been a DJ for years and does consulting work/helps folks get started. He's got a podcast too. I could get you in touch with him if you'd like.


    That would be cool. I just trying to gauge feasibility, budget, etc...

  12. Is anyone on the board a DJ or has significant knowledge about DJ equipment, and doesn't mind me picking their brain a little bit?


    The Tolles Car and Craft show has been a hit for a few years now, and we've made some money with the show. One of my significant costs is the DJ for the show. The cost is only going up each year, and I'm questioning whether I should push the school to buy a simple setup that we can use each year rather than paying someone. We've been getting decent deals from the DJs, but with 3 to 5 events per year at the school, I'm thinking in the long term the school can save some money. This year we were $400 out of pocket to the DJ for the car show (he charged us $650, but donated $250 back to the program as a sponsorship). That means over the years we've spent north of $1500 on the DJ, I'd rather see that money go back into the program.

  13. I can't remember where, but I remember reading that most people will pay about 10% more for "made in the USA" but not much more. $3.50 on a $35 sign may not be enough to offset the materials differential between here and China.


    That said, the "Custom" angle and the people watching it get made angle may justify a higher price, esp if your shop has it's own designs not found anywhere else, and maybe some other draw too.


    I don't know, I haven't worked much retail in my life, just thinking about it from the perspective what what I would buy.


    I agree the custom market is probably a better money maker. China has the generic chachkies bullshit pretty lean. I'm working on finishing the setup on my CNC router project. I'm trying to figure out what software I want to run. Fusion 360 is the direction I'm leaning, but I keep wondering if I should go with a simpler program.

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