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Richard Cranium

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Posts posted by Richard Cranium

  1. I know a couple guys with the Ruger Precision Rimfire that love them. Joe will probably chime in here shortly. He has a suppressed RPR, but his is .17 instead of .22 I don't think these isn't much to not love about them.


    I am partial though, I have a Ruger Precision in 6.5 Creedmoor.

  2. I really want a 'big' electric-bicycle/small-motorcycle for puttzing town. Think something around 100-150lbs, looks like a beefy mountain bike but electric only with decent range/speed and the right lights to be road legal. I don't think anyone is making anything in this segment that's not a pile yet. I do think it's going to be a segment that grows massively in the coming years.


    Something like this but actually meet's it's specs. https://lunacycle.com/sur-ron-x-bike-black-edition/



  3. Long time ago I bought a Sole treadmill. I found it on Ebay as a local pickup only. I guess the big question is whether you are going to just walk on it, jog, or run. Also if you're my size then you probably want a heavier duty version. If you're a bigger guy and you want to run and are going to use it, then I would say bite the bullet and get a bigger, heavier, more permanent unit. If it's going to be a glorified coat rack, then get smaller and cheaper, or not get one at all. I know that goes against what you asked for, but cheaper, smaller, lighter only really works for when you're not using it.
  4. Yes, as there is so much snow in Nevada today..... :lolguy:


    My mindset is different. If you are claiming your car can do this without modification, then doing it should be a matter of turning the key, hitting the gas, and keeping it straight. It should not take a year of staging for a car to do what you as a the manufacture claim it can in fact do.


    Yeah, they did release a statement that everything from that attempt is now tainted and they are going to rerun the attempt. If everything is as they say I assume the car can be ready to go quickly, but permits, hotel reservations, transportation, availability of everyone necessary to do this correctly, etc... will all take time to put together. It's got to be a logistical nightmare to pull this all together, especially since they are going to make sure the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed this time.

  5. There’s tons of trackers and samurais out here in Colorado. You could make a trip out and go home with a rust free decent one behind you. If you wanted I could check a couple out for you before you head out.


    That's not the worst idea I've heard. That's why I got my Avalanche from Arizona.

  6. Clay did they say they wanted you to get a test for her? It’s a tricky situation for sure.


    Olentangy announced they’ll be virtual Monday and Tuesday next week then we’re out till Dec 1st anyway.


    If it's the same for us, then a test can maybe clear her to return to school. I know that if you are a confirmed exposure case, then you MUST quarantine for the remainder of the 14 days since exposure (test or no test).

  7. My 12yo daughter has a head cold. I have it too. Runny nose and morning post-nasal drip cough. No fever. Feeling fine.


    Just had to go to middle school, where head and assistant nurse walk my daughter out to meet me. A teacher ratted her out when she coughed. She’s quarantined until December.


    I’m respectful of the process...but it’s going to be a LOOOONG winter.


    It's a tough call on both sides of that coin. I had to report one of my students for evaluation about a week ago. He had a nasty cough and a runny nose. Symptoms that started a couple days before. The school nurse sent him home.


    Part of what makes me nervous about simple cold symptoms goes about a month back. We had some people to the house for dinner. It was still warm enough we all stayed outside around a couple of fires. A few days later one of them let the rest of us know she had tested positive. A few days later her husband tested positive. I had to quarantine for about 10 days. Over those 10 days I had the majority of my administration covering for my class because we cannot get subs. I taught remotely from home. I felt bad, I knew they would send him home, but I have to think of the rest of the class too. If one of them gets it and takes it home, I'll feel responsible I didn't do anything.

  8. You can also get the Dirty Dingo adapter plates. Matt Happel/Sloppy Mechanics' 4.8 LSA G35 is running them. His car makes 570 something on the blower, and was well into the late 600's on nitrous. All stock bottom end.




    Thanks! I thought about that but it will raise the height of the supercharger, and it's already going to be too high to fit correctly in the car. I'm planning on maybe spacing the engine down a little bit and carving a huge chunk out of the cowl to make it work as is. I can't afford the extra height.


    The more reading I do I'm starting to find some for sale online. Was hoping to find some local.

  9. On the news last week it stated pelosi is attempting to set a panel to judge the presidents fitness for office...here's an article as you were too fast to key a rebuttal in before doing a google search:




    This isn't for trump but biden


    Then evan tlaked about a pub senate...what if the dems take it..then what


    If Biden doesn't win, it won't be for Biden.

  10. They are sticking to their story. I still don't buy it that they released a video that has been slowed down enough to make a 330mph run look like a 280mph run.


    Release from 10/28


    Jerod Shelby Explains World Record


    On October 10, 2020, SSC North America realized a dream that was a decade in the making, when our Tuatara hypercar achieved an average top speed of 316.11 MPH.


    In the days since, there has been a swirl of interest and speculation about how and whether the Tuatara had achieved that speed.


    The good news: we did it, and the numbers are indeed on our side.


    The bad news: only after the fact did we realize that the depiction of the speed run, in video form, had been substantially incorrect.


    The following is a long explanation of what and how this happened, to the extent we now know. I hope it will serve to build trust in the SSC team, and in the exceptional feat the Tuatara has earned.




    The Video

    Three years ago, SSC began working with Driven Studios, a video team to document what seemed like every waking moment of the Tuatara hypercar and those who’ve created it.


    They’ve since interviewed virtually every team member and consultant, captured the car in build and throughout extensive testing, and have played a key role in not only capturing, but in producing the record run on October 10 in Pahrump, Nevada. They have become a trusted partner of the SSC family.


    On the big day, October 10, there were video cameras everywhere — in the cockpit, on the ground, and even secured on a helicopter a low-flying T33 to capture the car at speed.


    The morning of the run, the record was achieved, we were over the moon. We kept the news under embargo until October 19, with hopes of releasing a video to accompany the press release.


    On October 19, the day the news broke, we thought there were two videos that had been released -- one from the cockpit, with data of the speed run overlaid, and another video of b-roll running footage. The cockpit video was shared with Top Gear, as well as on the SSC and Driven+ YouTube pages.


    Somehow, there was a mixup on the editing side, and I regret to admit that the SSC team hadn’t double checked the accuracy of the video before it was released. We also hadn’t realized that not one, but two different cockpit videos existed, and were shared with the world.


    Hypercar fans have quickly cried foul, and we hadn’t immediately responded, because we had not realized the inconsistencies -- that there were two videos, each with inaccurate information -- that had been shared. This was not our intention. Like me, the head of the production team had not initially realized these issues, and has brought on technical partners to identify the cause of the inconsistency.


    At first glance, it appears that the videos released have differences in where the editors had overlaid the data logger (which displays speed), in relation to the car's location on the run. That variance in ‘sync points’ accounts for differing records of the run.


    While we had never intended for the video captured to play the role of legitimizing the run, we are regretful that the videos shared were not an accurate representation of what happened on October 10.


    Driven Studios does have extensive footage of everything that transpired and is working with SSC to release the actual footage in its simplest form. We’ll share that as soon as it’s available.




    The Car

    On the day of the speed run, SSC used Dewetron equipment to track the Tuatara, and verify its speed, as measured by an average of 15 satellites across the two runs. We chose Dewetron for the sophistication of its equipment, and using that has given us confidence in the accuracy of the car’s measured speed.


    People have sought additional details, which hadn’t provided in earlier press materials, and those technical specifications are listed below:


    Tuatara (Top Speed Model) Tech Specs

    Ratios/Speed, using the 2.92 final-drive ratio


    Gear Ratios/Top Speed (Gears 1-6 have 8,800 RPM REV LIMIT)


    1st Gear: 3.133 / 80.56 MPH


    2nd Gear: 2.100 / 120.18 MPH


    3rd Gear: 1.520 / 166.04 MPH


    4th Gear: 1.172 / 215.34 MPH


    5th Gear: .941 / 268.21 MPH


    6th Gear: .757 / 333.4 MPH @8800 *


    7th Gear: .625 / 353.33 MPH (Estimated max @7,700RPM in 7th gear - Designed as mainly an overdrive highway cruising gear)


    * FYI: Cross reference validations from data log-


    Oliver is travelling at 236mph when he shifts from 5th to 6th at 7,700RPM (which tracks almost exactly to the gear-ratio data) and he pushed close to the top of 6th achieving 331.1 MPH at 8,600 RPM which tracks with our theoretical of 333.4mph @ 8800 RPM.


    Aerodynamic Specs:


    Drag goes from 0.279 up to 0.314 at 311mph (500kph)


    Car is producing approx. 770lbs of downforce at 311mph


    It is calculated that car needs 1,473HP to achieve 311mph (500kph)


    In order to calculate the required power the following assumptions were made:


    - The rolling resistance coefficient of the tires has been obtained from the manufacturer (Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2) declared energy class: E.


    - The overall drivetrain efficiency (from crankshaft to wheel) has been set to 94%.


    - The air density has been set to 1,205 kg/m3 (which is found at 20°C at sea level).


    - The vehicle mass has been set to 1474 kg = 1384 kg curb weight + 90 kg driver.




    Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2


    Rear Tire Diameter / Circumference: 345/30ZR20


    Normal Running Pressure = 35psi


    88.5” Circumference


    28.185” Diameter




    89.125” Circumference


    28.38” Diameter




    How the Speed Was Measured

    The SSC team received a piece of Dewetron equipment for its use in the speed run. The SSC team was trained remotely (due to COVID) on the use of that equipment.


    The Dewetron equipment includes sensors placed in the vehicle, that tracked an average of 15 satellites over the course of the Tuatara top speed run.


    Two independent witnesses, not affiliated with SSC nor Dewetron, were on site to view the speeds measured by the Dewetron equipment. SSC intends to submit proof of what those witnesses had seen on the Dewetron equipment to Guinness for verification.


    On October 22, Dewetron sent a letter to SSC confirming the accuracy of the equipment and speed sensor they had provided to SSC, and that letter will also be submitted to Guinness as part of application for the world top speed record.


    As an additional step, SSC is in the process of submitting the Dewetron equipment and speed sensor for further analysis and verification of that equipment’s accuracy.

  11. Fake!


    This guy isn’t the best watch, but he really picks the run apart.


    The big part for me is the gearing numbers that don’t add up.




    I'm going agree with you. Numbers don't lie. He makes a very good case.


    It'll be interesting to see how they react to this information. Will they fight it with math of their own? Admit their telemetry was wrong? Ignore this completely?

  12. You can find clean S60Rs for a fraction of that and they have the comfiest seats of any car I've ever been in (including Doc's Bentley). GROM makes a ~$100 bluetooth thingy that T's into the nav cd-rom player and it worked great in mine. Cons are they're simply old cars, but are a couple bolt-ons and canned tune away from a care-free 400hp. I miss awd turbo.


    That's funny. When I read the original post my first thought jumped to the S60R.



  13. That’s a steal for the right person.


    Wow, I get it's rough, but that should sell yesterday at that price.


    Okay ... $2000


    Just kidding. I haven't advertised it yet on Facebook. Figured I would give my friends a shot at it first. Will probably ask $2000 then and let them talk me down.

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