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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. They shouldn't be doing that, but you can't say there aren't plenty of deadbeat parents that dump their shitbags on the school system to babysit for half the day.
  2. Sheeple will be so happy to finally find something in stock they'll flock to it and buy it all out, then back up it goes! But seriously, thanks for the heads up. If I was in desperate need I'd be glad to know.
  3. Please stop buying ammo. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=112773
  4. Gimme. Let me know how and where you want it :gabe:
  5. YES PLEASE Not a bad deal at walmart though
  6. I've had discount tire plug & rebalance my tires for free as well. Can't complain about that, and they're everywhere!
  7. I can't verify furnace prices, there's quite a bit of variation there. I can verify that refrigerant prices have gone way up, like 400% or something in the last year. Thanks obama
  8. Not sure about the UK, but in Australia they will ticket you for 2mph (well, kp/h) over. Fuckers have speed cameras in undercover cars all over. :fuckyeah: murica, even in ohio we get a courtesy 5+mph last OSHP ticket I got was $150 or $155
  9. Sure does. Although the charging handle is forward on the left side of the cocking tube, but still shooting with the stock folded would be massive hollywool-level fail anyway.
  10. never shot one with a stock like 4, but the factory stocks like #2 are just masochistic. It's beyond unpleasant to the point of making you NOT want to shoot, at least for me. Factory fixed stock all the way, unless a magpul or msg fell into my lap. It's a big long heavy thing, but hey- you can drop two pins and take the stock completely off if it won't fit in your trunk/bag/case/whatever. Like Austin said, your lack of cheek weld with those will really hurt your shooting... unless you get super custom and stick a massive riser on there. no homo.
  11. The telescoping stocks on those are absolutely miserable to shoot with. The factory stock really isn't bad, but if you just have to be custom the msg and similar factory stocks are a small functional improvement for a lot of money. Be careful swapping out parts like that as you will likely degrade the shootability/useability of the weapon turning it into a safe queen. Wait, what didn't you like about the factory config?
  12. out of stock. The LE6920 sells (when it's in stock anyway) for just under $1100 at wal mart, but that's a good price for having some goodies on it.
  13. Suppressors should not be regulated, but hollywood made people think they turn cannons into whisper-quiet death lasers. They're literally exactly like mufflers on cars in function and practice, except you can't buy them for $15 at every parts store. Too bad, my neighbors would appreciate a 25dB reduction.
  14. Welcome enthusiast. I'll see you around.
  15. Wow, nice numbers. I'm surprised it's held up so far, that's outstanding.
  16. Yep. Even up until 2001ish they were under $10, or $1 per 50 msrp. Cheaper if you shopped around. But come on, hasn't EVERYTHING tripled in cost since then? :gabe:
  17. Me too. At least dozens of times. Of course, you could always just push on the carrier with your thumb.
  18. Yep. People are STILL panic buying.
  19. Yeah, the v-twins run forever. 100k is totally normal for a superhawk.
  20. shot one. It was pretty decent- not for high-volume practice, but for it's intended use I'd be comfortable with it
  21. pretty sure eric holder jacked them so he could distribute them into the hands of mentally handicapable illegals and further his agenda. Or maybe it was local organized crime... or maybe it was a crooked american out for a paycheck.
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