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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. I'm still glad I rode today even though we just had a crazy storm blow through. I think most of the riders here go over to ohioriders.net for their motorcycle satisfaction.
  2. The sound will be closer to what a .22 pistol sounds like, that is to say perfectly comfortable without hearing protection but not by a whole lot. Of course it won't fit your holster anymore and it's heavier to handle, but I'd do it if I had the money.
  3. It funny how everyone hate china but yet we can't stop buying their craps.


    I'm very sure the US will win, but can we handle the subsequent outcome?


    Mother Russia will swoop in and pwn us just like we should have done to them at the end of WW2. Then Patton will turn over in his grave twice.

  4. Who goes fishing without atleast a knife???


    Apparently certain Russians. The article said they left a rod and went back to get it. I agree, I never go anywhere except an airport or .gov building that I don't have something!


    Major bummer that help arrived 30 minutes later, so close yet so far away. Asshole bears, should at least have the humanity to kill their food first.

  5. The mustang I can get for $2200. I am on my way to look at a 1998 a4 I just got a pm about from another cr member.


    I would highly recommend against the A4 for a kid's car. They're sensitive to maintenance, expensive to buy stuff for, and suck with an auto.

  6. Question: what happens when your neighbor on the offshore utopia thinks getting rid of idiotic moral codes and taxes includes his god-given right to kidnap and molest your children at gunpoint, and he's got bigger guns than you?


    You trust the community won't be a bunch of sissy childish brats, and round up a posse. So long as the community in general has a standardized moral code they're stronger than a small band of individuals.


    Of course, you could always cry about it and get the US to come fix your problems and rebuild your shit for you I suppose.

  7. I agree with Dave. In my experience a seized accessory will just burn a belt up, but definitely make sure you can turn the motor over if you haven't already. I'm sure you're getting frustrated with having your starter tested so much, but really if you give it 12v, short it, and it does anything BESIDES slide the gear and turn like hell then it's not working effectively. The clicking means it's engaging, but not turning over. Causes for this are weak battery (everyone has heard that horrible click at some point), locked up motor, as Dave said accessory, or something jammed/lodged/wedged somewhere keeping it from turning. I'd have put a breaker bar on that bitch and cranked her over a couple times to see what's up. And make sure you go the right direction, if it only turns backwards you have a whole new set of issues! Haha.
  8. Yes i verified all 3, not to sound n00bish but how would I jump the starter with a screw driver?


    With the starter hooked up to 12v, short across the terminals with a screw driver. That's all there is to it. Works best when dark, raining, sleeting, and/or during wintertime.

  9. This might sound stupid and probably doesn't apply to this particular car, but just for good measure try jiggling the key a bit as you turn it in the ignition next time. I know on VAG ignition cylinders when they get worn and stop engaging you can sometimes get by applying pressure on the key in different angles when turning it.


    So you have verified the starter is getting good voltage, the ground is sufficient, and the motor does actually turn over? Have you tried jumping the starter with a screwdriver when it's installed?

  10. if its an all around car then why would you even consider a auto 3 speed transmission?


    This. I'd suggest you'd be silly NOT to go t-56, but a 3-speed auto is just horrible in a daily driver. Would you even be able to make a t-56 work in your car, or would the shifter come through the floor somewhere in the back seat?

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