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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. i keep asking him about the 930 and he doesnt respond.


    He is probably not sure what a 930 is, other that he heard his dad say his uncle had one and it was mega sweet back in the day (when cars had 160hp).


    I heard he sold his 930 to Mark Pi and it was still local and in good shape although the tires were getting a bit dry-rotted.


    If he has actually owned those cars, I suspect with his attitude there would be plenty of youtube videos of each one beasting on an rx7, or possibly a 10-sec supra.

  2. I suspect this whole thing winds up on an episode of "Strange But True" in another 20 years. It's very troubling that there could be this amount of clusterfuck with so many officials involved.
  3. As long as you fill out the proper paperwork for the amount of rounds spent, collect your brass, clean your weapon, wait in line 30 minutes to turn it in, get told it isn't spotless, clean it harder, wait in line another thirty minutes, stand at attention in front of the colonel explaining why you felt threatened enough to fire at a target, turns out you bent the day's rules of engagement, the media blows it up in your face, you go to military prison, a few months later your wife shows up holding divorce papers, pregnant with your best friend's baby, you build a shank and kill somebody, the bros hold you down and fuck your face every day at lunch, you cry yourself to sleep every night until it becomes too much and you hang yourself. It's a pretty fun game


    I heard there's an alternate ending.

  4. I am sure there is some of that but did you see the one 60 gunner who had taken the shrapnel and gunshot wounds and never left his machine gun? They said he kept at it for 8 hours even with his wounds.


    Damnit, turned it off a bit ago. It will be on netflix in 30 seconds anyway.

  5. There have been plenty of good ones of 60-gunners going to it, but then they never show what they're shooting at, or if they're even in combat, or what the hell is going on. It kind of makes me wonder how much is just "Oh man, a camera! Hey guys, watch this!"
  6. Some good footage, and a couple of mildly interesting overly brief interviews, but nothing really great in my opinion. I hate how they show these little 3 second clips at a time; like is that really all the footage people take or do they just not want to bore us with all the other stuff that wasn't happening?
  7. You really have to shop around for stovepipe. For some reason it's super expensive at some places, and super cheap others. The TrueValue hardware store in Marysville had super cheap 6" stovepipe last year, and TSC can be hit or miss.
  8. Where do you guys work that your benefits suck so bad in the private bus. world? I work in both public and private sectors. I know there are companies out there that provide way better benefits than my public job. And SB 5 was never about the 10/15%.


    PM me if you want specifics, but having worked at 3 small businesses in the last year, all were $80-$120 every two weeks for crappy health coverage NOT including dental or vision, and the only one that had any kind of 401k is nearly bankrupt. In fact I've only ever worked two places that had decent benefits, and one was a union job that paid about minimum wage and the other was owned by a large corporation but paid slightly above minimum wage.

  9. ... i have worked for that all my life. i knew that public service jobs have good pay and good benefits. that is part of why i chose the the path i did...


    Good for you knowing what you wanted, going after it, and getting it. That says a lot. I truly appreciate the people (and this may very well be you) that want to SERVE the public- be it in the military, as a LEO, or whatever.

    That being said, as others in this thread have shown there is a very high demand for some of these jobs.


    If my boss had someone that could acceptably perform my job tasks for less money, I'd be out the door that minute. Why do you think your job is/should be different?

  10. Without third party arbitration (which SB5 removes) there is NO NEGOTIATING. The final decision goes to the local government, i.e. the police and fire fighters employers. That is not a negotiation


    As nasty as this might sound, wouldn't you just go to your boss and say "Gimme this or I quit!" ???


    I mean honestly, if it's that bad then you owe it to yourself to find a job elsewhere. If not, be thankful you're not one of the people making $20k/year, paying off student loans, with no benefits, no job security, etc. who spends 40 hours a week trying to find something better. They would love to have your (or any public) job.

  11. ...When I was there at 10am that day - the only day people can put down their names - there were 455 people that put their names down. The woman said there will likely be over a thousand guys that come in, hoping to be selected for a UA City Firefighter slot that day. Many of them knew there weren't any immediate open slots....

    TOO MUCH MONEY. Yeah, sure...it's tough being a firefighter or policeman and no one wants to do it... :gabe:


    Yeah, I tried for years and years to get onboard with UA back when I lived there. It is extremely competitive and people don't leave.


    I wish there was a "get rid of the OSHP" issue on the ballot.

  12. It was reported by the local news this morning that 24 million was spent by the people against it, and 8 million was spent for people for it. So it is no surprise to me it failed, also why any information I tried to learn about it made me get past all the propaganda about how bad it is.


    It's too bad that it sure seems like money buys votes in this America.


    If policemen and firefighters and other public "servants" don't like their deal, I suspect there would be droves of people to fill their shoes and collect their paychecks. There are plenty of hard-working people that make less than $30k a year with no benefits, and those public employee wage and benefits packages look like gold to them.

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