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Posts posted by CHERRY

  1. My son, Bryan and his wife Taylor, had a Baby Boy this morning at 1:55am.

    His name is Ben. Ben decided that he wanted to arrive 6 weeks early and weighed in at

    4 lbs / 9 oz and was 17 inches long. Ben is at NICU at the hospital for about 2 weeks.


    He looks great but small. Ben was almost born in the Audi on the way to hospital. Mom & Dad got there and within 5 minutes the baby was born. Scarey stuff. We were at the hospital by 3:30 am to see the proud parents.


    WTG Bryan and Taylor

  2. No offense, and but id use good, not exceptional. I sell 13-16k every week. Also.... Some places will pay for good advisors. I'm on pace to do almost 90k.


    If you are selling 13k-16k in labor only in one week then you sir are a GOD.


    In 2009 I averaged $11,944.92 every week in C/P labor and parts.

    Labor only in 2009 was $6,354.37 every week.


    I am honestly still learning the new computer format of Arkona at my new place.

    It is definitely is not my Reynolds & Reynolds System that I am use to.



  3. I work as a Service Adviser and I love my job.

    What I don't like is that I have yet to find a dealership that is willing to pay

    for an Exceptional Adviser.


    MY CSI Scores average between 90 to 100 each month.

    In 2007 and 2009 I sold over $1,000,000.00 in parts and labor, each year.

    My best year was $1,037,433.01 in 2009.

    I averaged 2.29 tech hours for every customer pay ticket that I wrote.

    I wrote up 1,751 c/p tickets in 2009.


    My best month was June 2009 when I average $483.95 of customer pay on every ticket for the entire month. For the whole year I averaged $354.73 parts and labor for every c/p ticket that I wrote.


    Needless to say I am a gun for hire.

    I am NOT cheap

    I am working now at a KIA--Mitsubushi Dealership and I sold $16,310.20 in just labor within a two week time frame. That is 227.70 tech hours. I am doing this on a computer format that I have never seen until I took the job 6 weeks ago.


    But now I find out that my salary that we agreed on is now only half of what I asked for. Service Manager told me that the salary I was quoted was only good for the first month while I was in training.


    I know your pain Scott.




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