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Posts posted by RC K9

  1. I am looking for something cheap and reliable. Maybe $800 early 90's honda or something. I don't want to have to take a loan out for a car but if someone has a CR-V under $5K I would be interested. Right now my wife and I have one vehicle as a daily driver, and with me trying to get this dog training thing on the side to take off, that entails us having two vehicles for me to make this successful. Let me know what you have. Thanks.


    Ryan Corlew


  2. Skinny brown and black one is Rapture, Rottie with the blue eyes is Jedi, and the brindle and white one is Caspian. And as always, if anyone one here needs some training for their dogs hit me up!







  3. One thing that has a bad stigma but is worth looking into is foreclosed homes. Just because it has been foreclosed doesn't mean it is some ghetto piece of crap. You can find foreclosures in almost all of the places you mentioned above at one time or another. I have seen them in Gahanna, Westerville, etc. The AVP of Purchasing atour company just bought a big house with 5 acres in Delaware that was a foreclosure. Just an idea.
  4. If you can train my dog to bring me a beer out of the fridge I will pay you $300.. and I am being serious



    Some people may think that is a joke, but that request is not 100% impossible. I am actually working up to that with my dog. I have him getting my cell phone, tape, whatever off the floor or shelf for me. But this isn't a trick, it is a command. He has to do it, it's not a choice for him. The thing is though, getting a beer or anything like that is "retrieval" which is advanced training. That comes after all the basic obedience on and off leash are solid. It takes a LOT of time and training to get to that point where the dog does it right and consistently. I am cheap but can't do that for $300. If you want to do some obedience and work up to the point of advanced training where he will do that on command we can talk but I can't come in and have the dog getting beers reliably out of the fridge in a short amount of time.


    Let me know if you want obedience or not though.

  5. PM me your address and when you can get together. I will come out and see the dogs and talk with you about what you want. I don't charge for this. I do it for free. If you decide you want to do business, we agree on what will be done, the timeframe it should be done in, we go over the details, and if I can't deliver in that agreed time frame, we either end there and you don't pay me, or I continue to train until the dog is where you need it to be and I don't charge for the extra time. That way you don't feel screwed, and I don't get a bad wrap for not delivering. The next best review to a satisfied customer leaving good feedback for everyone to see is that I wasn't able to do the job up to you standard or the dog was too much of a challenge for me but I was honest and you didn't lose anything. Like I said before, i am not yet equipped to handle everything but I sure do appreciate an opportunity to try. Let me know.


    -Ryan Corlew


  6. I have g-mail and I don't see a junkmail folder. Any chance you could resend it or you can PM me. Either was is fine with me.


    Keep the cats. I am not a big fan. They keep mice out of my neighborhood so they are not that bad but I don't really ever want to own one.


    Some beast dogs. (Yes, even the russel) Do you have anything in particular you want to accomplish with them? I am always up for a challenege and I guarantee the Jack Russel would be the toughest one of them all to train. Wirey little things. Like a kid on skittles and mountain dew. I am not cocky, there are things I don't have the ability to handle yet (which is why I am trying to get to the point I can attend National K9) but I am always up for a challenege/learning experience. Let me know.


    -Ryan Corlew


  7. i have a few dogs that will train you..if you want the practice...lol


    i emailed you back about your brakes btw...not sure if you got it



    I didn't get the e-mail yet. Hope I put the right one in there.




    Couple of dogs that will train me huh...what kind of dogs? Aggressive? Wild, high energy? You have me intrigued. Elaborate:p

  8. Does anybody on here need help with a dog? Do you have a dog that jumps on people all the time, pulls you on a leash, barks at everything? Want to teach your dog some basic obedience? A lot of the trainers in Columbus sell “packages” which is great if you have $900 to spend on an obedience package but I haven’t seen anyone that offers just one or two things. So basically either you have $900 or you get nothing. I am not a full time trainer as of yet, but am currently working towards doing that full time in the future and am trying to find a way to acquire the funds to get my Master Trainer Certification from National K9. A lot of people that do the in home problem solving/training lessons charge $100/hour. I need to get the practice so I am willing to charge far less than that and if I am not able to do the job in the time fram I give you, I will either continue on the job free of charge until it is complete or you don't have to pay me, the choice is up to you. I am not a “vendor” that has my own business per say, just a guy that loves dogs, and wants to do it full time in the future, so I am trying to get practice in with as many dogs and different breeds as possible. Let me know if you are interested and if you want a demo or something, I can bring my dog to show what I have taught him so you know I am not full of crap. I would put a price but that all greatly varies based on your dog and what you need him/her to learn. PM me if you are interested. Thanks for looking.


    -Ryan Corlew


  9. Granted they shouldn't have been doing that, but you are going to put another human being in a cage over this? I don't know how repeat drunk drivers get off so easliy after multiple offenses but you throw snow at someone and suddenly you go to jail. I mean, if you want to keep the penalites relatively light for DD'ing that's all fine and dandy but don't penalize someone this bad for throwing snow. Kick thair @sses and be done with it.
  10. Does anybody on here need help with a dog? Do you have a dog that jumps on people all the time, pulls you on a leash, barks at everything? Want to teach your dog some basic obedience? A lot of the trainers in Columbus sell “packages” which is great if you have $900 to spend on an obedience package but I haven’t seen anyone that offers just one or two things. So basically either you have $900 or you get nothing. I am not a full time trainer as of yet, but am currently working towards doing that full time in the future and am trying to find a way to acquire the funds to get my Master Trainer Certification from National K9. A lot of people that do the in home problem solving/training lessons charge $100/hour. I need to get the practice so I am willing to charge far less than that and if I am not able to do the job, it’s free. I am not a “vendor” that has my own business per say, just a guy that loves dogs, and wants to do it full time in the future, so I am trying to get practice in with as many dogs and different breeds as possible. Let me know if you are interested and if you want a demo or something, I can bring my dog to show what I have taught him so you know I am not full of crap. I would put a price but that all greatly varies based on your dog and what you need him/her to learn. PM me if you are interested. Thanks for looking.



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