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Posts posted by RC K9

  1. Damn haven't seen Bad Boy since house connection.




    For the most part I agree, being a part time junglist, there's still plenty of good trance, and even house.


    Just can't get into house or trance or any of it. Give me a good Amen Break. Ever heard of the Illatmospherics? Local guys, not sure if they are still together but they do the nastiest stuff I have ever seen. You get a D&B DJ with a live drummer...it's crazy.

  2. It's been a while, about 10 years. I had just moved here from North Carloina. I was a Sophomore in highscoll. There was this dud that was a lot bigger than me that just decided he didn't like me and would try to get me to fight him and I wouldn't do it. One day on the bus ride home from school he had brought a iceball onto the bus and threw it at my head missing by about 2 inches. So I told him I was sick of it and if he wanted to fight, that was what was going to happen. We get off the bus into about 6 inches of snow, the backpack goes on the ground and I walk up to him. Now ( I don't like fighting so I was going to try my best to minimize how much I actually hurt the dude.) He grabbed me and tried to throw me but when he did, I used the force he used to bring him to the ground too, I got overtop of him real fast, put him in a full nelson, pulling his arms back until the wouldn't go any further and burried his head in the snow while all the other kids laughed and threw snowballs at him. I gave it a few minutes until I knew his pride was destroyed, asked him if he was done because if not I was going to start punching him in the face and he said he was done so I let him up. That ended it. Never had to take crap from that dude again. I was happy too because I would just much rather hurt someone pride than hurt them physically, though if it gets physical, I will finish that too. Now I just carry a Glock so if someone comes at me now...they are going to have another thing coming.
  3. So, people at my work were getting poo smudged on the toilet seats in the men's room at work, which is pretty disgusting. I mean, we have clients, Presidents of companies, etc. coming into our office all the time and I am sure their image of us was not helped by this disgusting trend. As a result, these signs were posted in our restroom by "someone." The 2nd one was posted about a week after the first one.





  4. I carry in my house too. The Glock .40cal is always on my side. It's sad when I have to worry about some little hood rat kicking in my door while I am eating dinner. When he does though, I should be ready.
  5. Scumbag







































    yea thats right













































    wanna fight about it?















































    didn't think so



  6. Sorry man. I know the feeling. Had my truck broken in to over the summer then two weeks later, on my wife's birthday, my house was robbed. Jacked shotguns, tv's, laptops, etc. 2 of the guns I will never be able to replace. They didn't get my glock though :) They hit me up in the daytime when they knew I wasn't home. After that, i said "enough." I got 4 awesome security cameras and installed two outside and two inside. I can also view the cameras from other locations that have internet access. I have seen some crazy stuff since I got those cameras. In fact, I came home one day and saw my back gate had been open so I reviewed the cameras and sure enough, two little hood rats tried breaking into my house again but couldn't get the window open. Wish I had been home. I would reccommend camera's to anyone on here. Not a bad $600 investment for everything you need.
  7. There is only one answer to this, let him beat their worthless little punk asses without plastering his face all over the internet as a horrible kid beater. Not to the point where they're scarred for life or anything, but just enough to where they will actually think twice before talking back. I remember my mom saying "I'm telling your father when he gets home" and I would almost piss myself. But since this country is one big quivering vagina, they'll grow up selling cigarettes at a gas station or in jail because they don't respect anything.. gah I could go on forever.



    Right on. Discipline is the key. Discipline is why I have respect for my parents and all figures of authority.

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