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Posts posted by GTPSS

  1. Here's 2 of the 3 highest HP AWD TBSS runs, but the track was wet. The event was called shortly after Kyle's run.


    Kyle's run...mother f*cker still ran an 11.8. Look close youll see the cameo appearance by John.



    My run. Just a little out of shape....


    I personally have quite a few to thank!

    But a quick Thank You to the ones that stayed up hours on end the night before:

    Brian Turner-DTM



    John-TT Vette


    IPS-for the use of their dyno!!

    And my G/F for putting up with my B.S.


    Special Thanks to Brent1976 for helping me get this thing put back together a few weeks ago.

  2. Thanks ! It looks like I got a ride locked in ... you need a hand getting the SS put back together ?



    Working with Brian on the tuning now. But I have few things left: button up front clip, coolant level, breakin oil change, diff fluid, and tuning.


    Appreciate the offer! Brent came over Sunday and helped me drop the motor in. Had a blown blown main breaker so we couldn't fire it up.


    *just got off the phone w/ Brian....I gots some work to do. Vac leak somewhere!

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