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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. In that case the next play doesnt start for another 4 days.
  2. Those are some huge meat catchers.
  3. next storyline for call of duty.
  4. Did you say the projector had an overheating issue? Now it wont turn on?
  5. WTF lol. How about we let the libertarian party have a crack, for once.
  6. They arent. Once they break in they really displace the weight/pressure of having a firearm inside your wasteband. Ive got a Foxx, which is a slightly cheaper version of the supertuck. Wear it everyday. Id like to get a holster like ops first holster just to throw on in a pinch.
  7. What do you call a hot dog with legs? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A hot dog stand
  8. jeffro


    Trigger Discipline hnngggggg
  9. but but but i thought the eyefone had a stunning revolutionary amazing incredible innovative battery and therefore you wouldn't need this?
  10. People still wont get it.:masturboy:
  11. Treadmill aint fixing cancer, bruh.
  12. It just kind of hung there. Very dangerous with those trees at the end of the landing zone.
  13. This was part of proposition 64: http://i.imgur.com/ZLnaz.jpg Personally, i don't see a problem with it.
  14. Exif data in the image points right at your house, dude. :lolguy:
  15. My take on why it isnt legal yet is because of pharmaceutical companies. Think about how many different kinds of drugs there are out there for illnesses that can all be "cured" by smoking/vaping/eating marijuana. A lot of these companies would probably go under, which is exactly what the united states is trying to fight: Unemployment. By legalizing trees thousands of pharmaceutical employees would be without jobs.
  16. http://cloudimages.grasscity.com/smilies/bongin.gif
  17. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md2niirhVK1rrn4vv.gif
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