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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. That is inaccurate. I understand that most counties are red, but the important ones werent marked correctly in that image. Ohio and Ill just for example. http://i.imgur.com/3ttLP.jpg http://i.imgur.com/pIytf.jpg
  2. jeffro

    xbox live..

    I do this erry day in counter-strike. I aint even mad.
  3. This. End the two party system! Sadly, no third party candidate has enough money to get his name out there. We should have election standards like in England. Each person gets X amount of dollars, X amount of air time, and the rest is all in person campaigning.
  4. jeffro

    gun control

    poasting for fyv dolla.
  5. Or you can buy feminized seeds. Shit, you don't even need dirt anymore.
  6. jeffro

    Halo 4 > voting

    f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5
  7. see 5 page thread with new name, think its a really popular new thread.. Enters 5 page thread only to find out its this thread again. X3
  8. jeffro

    Halo 4 > voting

    People still play halo?
  9. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are your three major nutes for growing anything. Determine what plant you want to grow, find out what nutrients it likes, then go from there.
  10. jeffro

    9mm vs.

    I am confuse, glock 19 is 9mm?
  11. LOL... Steve, really? There was a small starter aquaponics kit at goodwill today for 2 bucks. Was looking at it forever but decided not to get it. bump for interest. There is a hydroponics somewhere around here. Too scared to go in, lol
  12. Donatos used to (and probably still does) do this. Fucking assholes.
  13. So what does this mean for warranties and maintenance stuff? My sister has a Forenza... edit nvm
  14. Thanks jason. Please lock this.
  15. What do you guys recommend eating/drinking right before cardio? Starting a running/jogging routine tonight.
  16. I will be taking a trip up to Vermont to Gore Mountain Just before Christmas with some friends and i have no equipment. Boots:10.5 Board:155-160CM Style:Regular Price: Less than 200 bucks. It will cost me 175 just to rent for 3 days so i figured id be able to purchase some used gear for that much. Show me what you've got. Thanks Jeff Edit, i saw the other thread, but 2 other people called dibs on it.
  17. Interested in a back up copy of the p90x as well. First day of exercising starts today.
  18. How long do you let it boil? Just long enough to get it boiling? Also, how long to let the cinnamon stick mellow?
  19. That was another thing, toys, and fucking knives. I go to a gun show for GUNS, not fucking KNIVES.
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