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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. +1 Black people are more prejudice towards white folk than most whites are towards black folks(at least from my experiences). Cant keep pulling the slavery card forever...
  2. http://i.imgur.com/P3Arj.jpg http://i.imgur.com/HRZiO.gif
  3. world record 100m dash just decreased
  4. http://okayface.com/okay-face.jpg
  5. I wouldn't want just some random field somewhere. Besides, who has thousands to risk? Not I. I went up to my parents property yesterday and gave it a try. With my little experience and know how i thought i found a few tiny little specks. I'll be honest, it could have been nothing, but it was enough to convince me to try again. I spent some time last night watching youtube and researching panning techniques and digging spots, so perhaps ill be a little more prepared next time. I also plan to buy some proper equipment. Dicks sells kits for 30 bucks which includes a few different pans, a classifier and other small tools. Tonight im going to check out the stream in its flooded state and see where the calm spots in the water are. This should indicate where the gold (if any) would settle. Anyways, ill update this thread with pictures should i find anything worth sharing.
  6. This rain makes me feel so bright and warm inside. But really, cant wait to go to the pool with my gf and watch all the other chicks running around with their tits out. went prospecting yesterday and actually found something. Enough to encourage me to try again.
  7. what changed...? need an update summary!
  8. didnt even know it either. havnt logged in since friday
  9. FUCK that's just around the corner from me.
  10. Surely you're joking, steve. im 5 years younger than you...
  11. what do they pay you queers there? Do you have any certifications? What type of work do you do on a daily basis? I dont make shit where im at now, and i'm sure i could make more elsewhere.
  12. Thank you for the link Doc, will give me something to do at work tomorrow I do indeed love the great out doors. Unfortunately it got the best of me Tuesdays and made me sicker than a dog.
  13. Now that gold rush is over for the season, I've got a case of gold fever. I realize there's bearing sea gold, but its not the same. So, I really want to try it out myself. I don't currently own any equipment, but would be interested in purchasing some. Dicks has a kit, but i also thought about making my own stuff. My question for you folks is; Have you tried it here in Ohio? Did you have any luck? Any tips or advice for a beginner? My parents have some land in delaware that has a huge ravine with a good size stream running through it. Considered trying down there. Am i wasting my time or do i have a chance at finding something? Id be thrilled to even find a flake.
  14. Be POS Vette, be newbie but refer to everyone on first name basis.
  15. My GF is canadian, i make fun of her all the time for it.
  16. This. YOU have the decision by law as to what shop you take it to. Hope things work out for you.
  17. I purchased my kel-tec pf-9 from pauls marine in delaware 2 weeks ago for 264 before tax. The cheapest one i saw at the gunshow was $300. Cheapest box of any 9mm ammo i saw was 12 bucks. Grant it it was cheaper to buy in bulk, but i just wanted 1 or two boxes. Walmart was cheaper than that....
  18. Who went? What did you get? I went early saturday for the first time looking for a reasonably priced laser sight and some information on CCW classes. Most Everything was pricey as hell IMO, but did get a good price on a CCW course. Willing to share if anyone is interested.
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