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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. jeffro

    gold rush

    Cant find s02e02 torrent. Anyone?
  2. My Mom does alot of craft shows. She sews all kinds of things and sells them at these events. If your interested PM me. She will make anything you request also.
  3. my score is 623. meh, according to creditkarma
  4. jeffro

    gold rush

    The show is scripted. True story.
  5. Paul posted story of a lady who was hit in the head by a shopping cart pushed off a 4th floor by kids, laughs, people call him fucked up, he cries and changes OP.
  6. jeffro

    ESPN Means

  7. problem with these tent cities is half of them have no idea what their even protesting. Or are protesting something totally different from the rest of the group. The movement needs a centralized "leader" so to speak. as for me? Nothing. Going to a cheap community college, working my ass of to pay bills, and just moving on.
  8. i wouldnt use the word "thought". ignorance is not valid
  9. You goofy Mother fucker.
  10. he got a bit rough with that girl... but thanks for sharing!
  11. jeffro


    why dont you wait 10 days till 11-11-11?
  12. along with warm soapy water. dont forget inside the battery compartment.
  13. dead batteries? lmao paul
  14. jeffro

    gold rush

    Hope it works out for them. fred should be shot for his fuckery.
  15. jeffro

    gold rush

    So what happends now? Is there even a season to watch anymore?
  16. http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Restaurants&hl=en&ll=39.092233,-84.495764&spn=0.036905,0.077162&sll=39.091449,-84.495776&sspn=0.038504,0.077162&vpsrc=0&t=h&z=14
  17. i hope you slept with both of them. else gtfo
  18. from these two responses i will pick somethin up just in case. although im sure every store is probably sold out of candy today.
  19. Do apartment complexes do this? coming from the country i have never passed out candy before.
  20. uninstall EVERYTHING. i cant stand how manufacturers put so much bs software on it before they sell it.
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