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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. Still friday, the 11th regardless, 911 was a man made disaster so it doesnt count. what about katrina, or haiti, why weren't those included in the calculations? your logic is flawed.
  2. yes, it was 2:46PM march 11th, japan time http://www.twofourtysixpm.com/
  3. -rep for unoriginality. took it from that arnold pic.
  4. is that silver maple? i know some people that live there.
  5. another quake of 6.4 just happened an hour ago. south west of tokyo though. theyre expecting another largish one to occur.
  6. im already bored with it.
  7. no, seafood nearly killed me once. tried it again and it did the same thing. havnt eaten it since. it makes my throat swell up to the point i cant breath. allergies ftl.
  8. anything but what you listed. sea food is nasty
  9. jeffro

    way to go AT&T

    looks like ill be getting 250gb a month. honestly though, thats a shit load. unless your downloading mass movies and music, you have nothing to worry about. and if you are downloading movies and music, guess this is their way of slowing piracy. http://bpplanfinder.com/usage_calculator.php
  10. looks good. i see the belt is wearing on the edges.
  11. holy cow, 10.0 on a stock bottom end? driver is hawt in the half a second we see her
  12. Chernobyl baby: http://www.tonyrogers.com/humor/images/miss_chernobyl_2004.jpg
  13. oh my fucking god. his legs were like noodles. no words can even describe how shitty that must have been.
  14. didnt even get that far. id put it in that first chicks butt fo sho tho
  15. what kind of condition is that big couch in? i mean, is it stained up? completely warn out? i work in delaware, is there any way i can come look at it?
  16. paul, often times newwer computers will have a recovery partition. when the pc boots try different f# keys till you find which one is the recovery partition. try a different key on each bootup. this will give you the ability to wipe it clean. do f6, then f7, then f9 then f10 then f11 then. f11 is my guess im free the rest of the afternoon. if you wanna drive it up to polaris i can get it going for you.
  17. http://www.gogaminggiant.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/facepalm.jpg
  18. tuen the computer off, then open up the case computer case. locate the memory modules. they look like this: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_DMF2nCfxDcw/TNXSZoQmm0I/AAAAAAAAABs/UivO6B46XAc/s1600/memory-module.jpg unlatch the little levers on both sides. scrub it with soap and water using a a toothbrush or other bristled tool. make sure you rinse throughly as soap doesnt agree with the memory slots reinsert the modules being sure they are latched turn on pc
  19. i raced some dude in a minivan. he beat me
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