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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. slam dat bitch and put some ccw-type on it
  2. well done, in both aspects! MFW: http://momentscount.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/surprised.jpg oh and +rep
  3. on the coupon it says its not valid with internet orders or phone orders? they allowed this?
  4. You are not a troll, you've been trolled previously.
  5. http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/183558_10150430355305304_877475303_17612780_3321055_n.jpg
  6. +1 on high mileage hondas. My 94 integra had 180k on the clock when i bought it. i turbod it at 10 PSI and beat the fuck out of it for 10k miles and it maintained the same cylinder compression when i sold it. those motors are magic. only thing i had to replace was the dizzy cap because i left it outside with the hood open during a rain storm.
  7. dayum, that was one deranged dude. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRgiIrHRoHM
  8. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_kmEDHPYIWVM/TESStYJgTiI/AAAAAAAAAks/Cm6Bnjj7gUI/s1600/wahlbergxp5.jpg
  9. MFW: http://www.projectabsurd.byethost6.com/3country-5.jpg
  10. ive never seen one of those before. tell me about it. good intra so far
  11. second question wasnt really a question. you prolly wont find a copy of windows 7 without a key on microsofts website. you'll need to torrent it.
  12. Your netbook should have a sticker with a Windows 7 key on the bottom. DL yourself a copy of windows 7, and use that key to legitly install it. also, are you using a usb cd drive to install windows?
  13. autoxcutie wants her face cummed on.
  14. welcome. awesome intro. plus rep for you
  15. inb4threadlockdownbecuzofstreetracings
  16. Doc likes troling: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_qtcIjl5fIrw/TKWaXhvDP7I/AAAAAAAABvA/QTrTFF9ZqhY/s1600/Trolling.jpg http://www.profish.com/images/fishing/Trolling%20Lines.JPG http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/45/Trolling_photo_Atlantic.jpg http://www.albemarleboats.com/family/wallpaper/trolling1024x768.jpg http://www.fatwallet.com/static/attachments/22707_trolling.jpg http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR3dbnysoxJZ057DsI0dPXgyIEto1sp7x5zhxg_PLBXUauK6_CZzA&t=1
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