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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. jeffro


    mfw: "turboking15" from mjrsplat http://rob.nu/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/facepalm7.jpg
  2. there might be a tiny bit of backside snow, so mise well
  3. that will take all year to spool
  4. might be. again its too close to call really. GFS and NAM support rain then snow, all others are rain.
  5. RAIN. heres what i got, you decide: GFS: NAM: GGEM: This is Henrys thoughts from accuweather: http://vortex.accuweather.com/adc2004/pub/includes/columns/prolongrange/2011/590x451_02231304_severe2.png
  6. Hook up your plows and gas up your trucks. tomorrow we will see a period of rain before switching over to snow. The rain snow line will set up near Columbus, so I'm going eith 1-3 for Columbus and amounts of 3-6 as you get up closer to Marion. Basically the further north you are the less rain you'll see. The transition will occur sometime around sundown tomorrow when radiant temps drop. If you got Kidd, they prolly ain't gong to school on Friday. There could be some very light I icing but nothing to be problematic.
  7. jeffro

    is this a scam?

    Lol so what came of this? You didn't really send them money did you? They also like to Jarvis word flaws and 100%.
  8. I see cooling issues. No way you can put a coolingless i5 in a tiny case like that.
  9. that girl at the end was a cunt. all she cared about was that rock on her finger. ffs
  10. It will be rolling through on friday. Once again were on the line of snow/rain/and freezing rain. The way the models have been trending will put the heaviest snow right over cbus, but I won't have a good grasp until tomorrow when it makes landfall onthe west coast. The gfs and nam are our beat chances for snow, as it takes the low through Kentucky, but if they keep trending south like they have been, we wot see more than flurries. If they hold steady, we could see (goin out on a limb here) 4-6". The ukmet and ecmwf tAke the low up through Ohio and give us mostly rain with changeover to snow halfway through. I'm on my iPhone so I can't post images, but when I get to a computer I'll post model image for you guys.
  11. http://www.accuweather.com/blogs/meteomadness/story/46114/another-wild-storm-coming-with-snow-and-severe-weather.asp
  12. i dont think the next one will be rain, for me at least, i70-i80 looking to be the sweet spot right now.
  13. next system is just around the corner, just sayin. another one of those close rain/snow lines, god these are gettin old.
  14. jeffro


    lawl. try dating a depressed woman, paul.
  15. lawl people are saying its me, or your making shit up.
  16. ^so true. god its fucking annoying. i set up this docs account on our network today, and she was like "you must be really smart". i kindly explained to her it was a trade, much like she knows a ton about medicinal practices but nothing about technology, and i know alot about technology but nothing about medicine. retarts
  17. real talk bro, your still a fag. and thanks for the negative rep. bitch.
  18. per radar, frezing line is creeping south. oh boy once the sun goes down! http://images.intellicast.com/WxImages/RadarLoop/day_None_anim.gif
  19. ^ LOL! who the fuck notices those things?
  20. im still waiting for fss to show lol!
  21. teams? or individually? i dont have a car worth a fuck but i know someone who would let me ride with em
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