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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. id do my old 03 GT. i loved that car. i had to. http://www.theequinest.com/images/squirrel-7.jpg
  2. out of control speeding toyotas?
  3. soo what about the speeding toyotas? honda rot? you fial, your opinion is biased
  4. id rock a marque all day long. same with a crown vic. and a maurader
  5. is it as gay if i smile every time i see my peenor?
  6. Todays date: 2/4/11, remember it.
  7. big potential for next weekend. the B word is being thrown around on accuweather. euro has us for a good shot(usually bad this early), gfs is still to our east,(good thing). will definitely be something to watch.
  8. the image above is simply 6 hour precipitation forecast. its for reb 10th at 6am. the greens and blues are precipitation. the blue line is the freezing line. the black squiggly lines are isobars, they indicate pressure differences and often give a good indicator of wind. where the black lines are close together is wind.
  9. sam this will be one to watch. if this thing shifts the same as the last storm that will put us in the sweet spot. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TUsQVNGpe8I/AAAAAAAABWI/QVbagnOoN-g/s800/12zgfs850mbTSLPp06162.gif
  10. green and yellow - lil wayne. :nws: for language http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=md2CwsTC4LQ
  11. heres the nam and gfs. i wouldnt count on more than an inch or two at this point. GFS: http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TUr1Ez2uHqI/AAAAAAAABV0/YuUVS9DSw1Y/s800/12zgfs850mbTSLPp06054.gif http://lh6.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TUr1FaEuuDI/AAAAAAAABV4/2uWVCxG_kHk/s640/12zgfsp24066.gif NAM: more potent than gfs http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TUr1FoyPO3I/AAAAAAAABV8/Zd044O9v5Kk/s800/12znam850mbTSLPp06054.gif http://lh6.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TUr1F_gQe4I/AAAAAAAABWA/27iOmsVI8Xc/s800/12znamp24060.gif
  12. in a case like that a 1/4" of rain would be more than 2.5" because of temperatures. the lower the temps the fluffier the snow is and the more it adds up. theres a formula floating aroound out there that tells you snow ratios. image below is Celcius http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_LJZ5ArmANJQ/TRPKWIgi5JI/AAAAAAAABbo/wWvJWqSV8xE/s1600/snowratio.png
  13. Sam, take a look at the text at the bottom. The top map is a 6 hour precipitation map for tuesday at noon. it measures liquid precip, which can then be equated to the corresponding precipitation type based on temps. the bottom is a 24 hour liquid precip total. because temps will be below freezing, it will be snow.
  14. talking about this one? http://lh6.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TUmXr8WFd2I/AAAAAAAABVU/lCbnt7MPwYc/s800/12zgfs850mbTSLPp06120.gif http://lh5.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TUmYO5cIwxI/AAAAAAAABVc/qSSof05rrMs/s640/12zgfsp24132.gif
  15. looking good! but just curious, if this thing catches fire your pretty much screwed because you'll be trapped inside?
  16. eh i thought since he saw no shadow it meant spring was supposedly close? GFS showing lots of activity over the next 2 weeks. some rain, some snow. next system rolls in this weekend. doesnt appear to be much as of now, maybe in the form of 1-3 inches. definitely will be all snow. If the northwest trends continue we could see more. heres where we stand right now on the gfs and nam: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TUmPGh4CVAI/AAAAAAAABVI/m4n_XT8JGk8/s640/12zgfsp24084.gif http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TUmPGn3YDpI/AAAAAAAABVM/LTKeN1QtUqc/s800/12znamp24084.gif
  17. good question. take a cold shower anyways
  18. winds should be kicking up by morning.
  19. wait till these winds kick up boys and girls. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TUix-dhv_FI/AAAAAAAABVA/FibQUu2cMNU/s800/12zukmetpmsl10mwinds2mtemps030.gif
  20. yes, id say more after the ice/rain moves through.
  21. were so close to the 850 mb freezing line its gay. surface temps here at 26 and its raining, then freezing. i think this could continue, but theres a pretty intense band moving in from the west. almost screams thunderstorm, but with temps are low, its gotta be rain. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TUePkEtJ8fI/AAAAAAAABQg/I5cP4vVGjWc/s640/1-31%201143%20thunder.png
  22. http://forums.accuweather.com/uploads/post-21809-1296514718.jpg getting icier here. parking lot is already a skating rink.
  23. banned from posting in the current storm thread over at accuweather because i "threatened death" to all the faggot kids posting the same bullshit over and over and over again. we know its going to snow in chicago, nothing has changed, quit saying it over and over
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