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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. 6z gfs says so. -6* C with the low tracking just south of the ohio river. sexy car btw
  2. awesome to see an old show with a new look. IE, keep the episodes the same, just with an updated look.
  3. http://forums.accuweather.com/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=118999
  4. forget the system coming this weekend. lets look into next week. god i hope this holds together! http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/mmbpll/dgexops.conus/eta.totsnow192.gif yes i am model biased =P
  5. actually ant i was referring to last night but things changed quickly. that storm was whack to follow. The next system is scheduled to brew up next tuesday. This system reminds me of the early february storm we had last year that dumped 8 inches on us. it will be coming the pacific, and will be pretty robust. looking to start out as rain, then dump 6+ on us, but this is a week out. http://www.meteo.psu.edu/~gadomski/DGEXEAST_18z/f126.gif
  6. got these for christmas. ive used them once since i got them. both come with batteries also. pretty fun. 30$ http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=11180103 http://trus.imageg.net/graphics/product_images/pTRU1-9490134dt.jpg
  7. get ready ladies. the models did a bad job on this one. it will be snowing when you wake up. that secondary low looks as if its going to track up the OH/PA border. What happened was the system was stronger than the models dipected, and is over running the cold front coming from the northwest. This could lead to rain since it will be pushing cold northward. gotta hope virga isnt an issue.
  8. microsoft security essentials. /thread
  9. this weekend. roads will be slick in the morning as that huge storm down south split and sent precip way further north west than expected. interesting to witness.
  10. http://www.autoblog.com/2011/01/25/video-the-definition-of-catastrophic-failure/#continued ...When the block goes further than the vehicle.
  11. farkas i found your next investment http://lh5.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TT8ub_UWlHI/AAAAAAAABP8/wFMlaXqLGUA/1295979965153.jpg
  12. air is for mexicans. fact
  13. http://images.memegenerator.net/Internet-Troll/File/7970/Internet-Troll.jpg
  14. teens on the first one, low twenties during the second one.
  15. It seems that second system is the system that will be bringing us the precip. round one only paints .1 precip over us, its the second one that brings us to this total. slightly south this time which is good for us. also note this is only the GFS model. Nam wont be in range of this system until tomorrow afternoon. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TT75kU2z6AI/AAAAAAAABP0/4LxrI-Qt2Wg/s640/12zgfsp72108.gif
  16. 12z is due out shortly, so ill post another for comparison
  17. theres a set of clipper systems coming through this weekend. The first one starts up in canada and heads through cleveland. The second one a day later heads through toledo. heres the cumulative precip for both. actually looks more promising than i thought. these will be high ratios because of the temps. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TT7l6goqcpI/AAAAAAAABPo/R_uEIJSdpkQ/s640/06zgfsp72114.gif
  18. why are you endorsing this site so hard if you claim to have no affiliation with it? i call :bs:
  19. perhaps you have a lump sum of money sitting somewhere that they know about that you dont, and want you to use the money at their college. Just an idea.
  20. i had taco hell last night. it was delicious.
  21. ^that car is on stilts compared to Andy's standards. Looks awesome andy. soo clean, needs moar low though. How long did it take you go get into this location? how slow were you going... http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4108/4990303019_49cd60835c_b.jpg
  22. legacy gt. these cars are sex http://www.mcnproductions.com/lgt/exterior/lgt91.jpg
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