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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. he said he tried different video cards and different monitors.
  2. are you even able to see the post? can u get into the bios? if so, plug your monitor into the default onboard video port. disable onboard video. plug in your pci video card/monitor and the motherboard will recognize it as a display device.
  3. do those speakers require a power souce? or is it just the single 3.5MM plug ?
  4. i wasnt aware either. ffs
  5. i bet i can blaze higher and faster than you can. i got the green to prove it
  6. wheres brandon when you need him
  7. page 1 slot reserved. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TQ_ig81sLNI/AAAAAAAABN4/OAvv2yczha8/markthis.png.jpg proof it hillbilly
  8. i see what you did thur. funny shit about the r8
  9. you have to get counter-strike source. a few of us here play occasionally. youll be able to play with just about any card you buy. shit, my celeron 2.2 ghz laptop with GMA graphics runs it at 30 fps.
  10. http://coolwx.com/modelts/images/gfs/2010122012/KCMH/prec.png
  11. posted earlier today http://vortex.accuweather.com/adc2004/pub/includes/columns/margusity/2010/590x443_12201631_severe1.png
  12. alrighty, heres what ive come up with regarding the december 21 and december 24/25 storms. December 21 I dont think this storm will produce much more over an inch or so. as it comes across the midwest it dies before the low heads out to sea. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TQ7yVHKXkYI/AAAAAAAABNU/uPdlYDuyxIM/s800/12-21-1.gif.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TQ7yV4cuJcI/AAAAAAAABNY/AcjwgAgoodQ/s800/12-21-2.gif.jpg December 24/25 This one will be one to watch. Earlier models were giving KCMH (port columbus) like .9 QFP which would equate to 9+ inches at 32*, but the models are slowly trending south, so at this point in time i think a 2-4" event for christmas eve is doable. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TQ7yUvmpJSI/AAAAAAAABNQ/J8LezPkMa8Y/s800/12-24-1.gif.jpg http://lh5.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TQ7yWsL4wrI/AAAAAAAABNc/TVcRt5Q1Nxo/s800/12-24-2.gif.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TQ7yXcf_eJI/AAAAAAAABNg/eabrpquF9J4/s800/12-24-3.gif.jpg Total Accumulation: keep in mind this is in inches of liquid precip. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TQ7yZOUAebI/AAAAAAAABNk/bpZyqyOgawg/s640/12-24-4.gif.jpg just throwing this out there. take it with a grain of salt. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TQ7z6_OBzqI/AAAAAAAABNo/mwBjMtcLrnE/s800/1-1.gif.jpg
  13. was just watching this on speed. pretty awesome.
  14. who is ole girl? sounds like the dog
  15. if you have business cards id gladly take one to stuff in my wallet. if so can i PM you my address and can you mail me one? my car sucks and need something lined up incase it decides to take a shit this winter.
  16. nobody laughed. just sayin.
  17. ^ blizzard conditions are classified as winds 25+ and visibility below a quarter of a mile for a period of at least 3 hours. doesnt take much to make a blizzard really. hell, iowa was issued blizzard warnings with only 4 inches of snow. its the blowing part that makes it a blizzard. comparing travel during the '78 and '08 blizzards is retarded. thats like comparing email systems during those years. the area where my parents lived and still currently live has grown so much since 78. everything was still rural.
  18. actually, the blizzard of 2008 was officially a blizzard. blizzard warnings were issued for the entire southwestern and central part of the state. blizzards are universal. an ohio blizzard is the same as a new york blizzard. just sayin.
  19. after seeing the color, the grey is baller.
  20. I don't think the autocorrect ones are the slightest bit funny. Retarded if you ask me, but who's asking anyways.
  21. maybe a worthless untrained rent-a-cop? retard thief regardless.
  22. thought this was interesting. http://greatlakes.salsite.com/snowfall/20080309.gif
  23. found these on my hard drive this morning. pretty cool to look back on. enjoy. mt first car btw (red neon) http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TQzjC6gc5gI/AAAAAAAABMU/lGHE--KjQ0A/s640/0308080825.jpg http://lh5.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TQzjDR27FHI/AAAAAAAABMY/uUkgFlISmxg/s640/0308081158.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TQzjEzMu_aI/AAAAAAAABMg/i1qxtHkgbx8/s640/0308081157b.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TQzjHvyYiSI/AAAAAAAABMw/JHPCFPB5KoE/s640/0308081131.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TQzjITMsJAI/AAAAAAAABM0/qVejr1U_kCU/s640/0308081055.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TQzjGZlV15I/AAAAAAAABMo/lCFMepB0sFk/s640/0308081157.jpg 15" ruler and a bicycle lol http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TQzjJ3rIZvI/AAAAAAAABM8/m8CDNx88Rwg/s640/ruler.jpg
  24. id continue to post images, but its a PITA to save the image, upload to picasa, then post here. i wish i could just paste the links, but the links change, as time goes on
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