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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. I wonder if its got AOL Dial up too. sorry for shitting op.
  2. i wonder if this is somehow related to the wikileaks. perhaps there were some documents of theirs, and they want to release them before wikileaks. oooo conspiracies
  3. this could be really interesting. Perhaps they have proven were not alone. *holds breath*
  4. and it is now in violation of the terms and agreements. paul, as i mentioned earlier, i have a HDD that can be used instead of the disks.
  5. ok, got you there, drivers can be pulled off dell.com +1 on wiping it. alot of times doing a restore doesnt fix any registry errors caused by malicious software/viruses. Gabe, Im not so sure they do that anymore. from what i understand people were taking the restore cd's and misusing them, hence the reason computers no longer come with restore disks, but restore partitions instead. check your "my computer" and see if you have a restore/recovery partition paul. i have one you can use for the transition. gabe, this is yours since you offered first, so im out.
  6. if gabe falls through, paul, ill help you out. Your computer may have a recovery partition that will allow you to reinstall windows with a clean slate. This would be easiest as drivers would be an issue without this partition or restore CD. What operating system are you running? Ive got an XP and windows 7 disk that can be used. Also, who is the manufacturer of your machine? As for the files, burning files to disks is easy. Step 1:insert blank CD into your CD drive. Step 2:Drag and drop files wanting to be saved to D:\ in my computer (note: you can only put 700MB of junk on a standard CD. Id suggest a DVD if you have a DVD burner) Step 3:Select burn files to disk. done.
  7. At the thrift store today. Comes complete with, with......... what?? http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TPakMKrxTQI/AAAAAAAABJo/H3dPmcoaihc/s640/2010-12-01%2012.33.40.jpg
  8. voted. you have a commanding lead. what do you win?
  9. jeffro

    Woot Off

    only in a wootoff. else, the item either sells out or in stock all day.
  10. jeffro

    Woot Off

    OoOo maybe ill get a bag of crap or two.
  11. looks reallllllllly long. if that was black it would make a nice bat mobile.
  12. that was difficult to read and comprehend
  13. Or searches public indexes, then downloads those mp3's.
  14. jeffro


  15. looks like its the old i music that i already had. nice
  16. jeffro


    welcome, nice ride. +rep for doing a correct intro. i laughed at that picture AJ.
  17. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86517&highlight=computer
  18. got a soft spot for the 4 eyes. clean looking car.
  19. http://philosophistry.com/scans/2010/okay-face.jpg
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