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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. cool idear. that thing does sit lonely alot.
  2. i hate the highway patrol that sit in the median in tahoes on 23 between delaware and marion. they made my trip to school drag.
  3. Kilkare tomorrow. I have a feeling there's not going to be too many people cuz of weather
  4. hmm a second 22" IS VERY TEMPTING. i have the exact same one as my primary with a 15" as my secondary. great monitors
  5. will this be out for PC? that would be awsome.
  6. oh my god.......................... how old is this thing?
  7. i went to school with max. ha i had no idea he was that big a racer. btw what is this "can am spyder" you speak of.
  8. a co-worker of mine is in the the IT team helping with the conversions. i get to hear about parking issues all day
  9. im guessing im the dumbass, i know who the ginger is http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2568/40/22/669955443/n669955443_6209650_7513662.jpg
  10. dumb, just plain dumb
  11. that was some seriously sick shit. im perfectly fine with the way i am....
  12. in! woot! boss lady let me off at 3. doc i cant wait!
  13. :funny: i see what you did there
  14. jeffro


    i havnt been fishing for nearly 2 weeks. been caught up with some other shit, no punn intended lol
  15. +1 dude, nothing pisses me off more than watching a car go twice while i sit and wait.
  16. jeffro

    I'm 23 today.

    happy birth day andy, nice seein you out this evening:o
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