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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. holy shit, how did i post in this month old thread? didnt even notice baha
  2. hey alex, its not letting me accept your friend request
  3. THe mexiCans nexT door To dyno brians sHop
  4. steve, its ok that he touched you in your privates
  5. +1 on pics! i saw a car doin this not too long ago, was funny as hell
  6. welcome to CR alex, +rep for lettin my drive your car now you wont have to nutswing steve to find out whats going down :bangbang:
  7. bannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
  8. *facepalm* my lab instructor told me something once, he said you only find racism if your looking for it, and i think people are just looking for reasons to complain
  9. i actually enjoyed listening to MJ, i dont see why people hated him so much http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_obit_michael_jackson
  10. jeffro


    but i need a place to complain about the guy down the street with his v6 mustang with cobra badges, vinyl designs, big wheels and huge ricer wing! god that guy pisses me off
  11. x2, at the verryy end they give that away. plus in past episodes there a fat stig... tells me theres more than one. if i had to guess id say that for each supercar they test, the stig is a represenative of that car. one stig cant possibly drive every car to its full potential
  12. Cuurrently on my g1 mobile phone. its pretty good at viewing the regular cr but a mobile site would be tits! Id be willing to donate to the cause
  13. sweeeett!!! maybe theyll sell the tv i want, i hating waiting for bags of crap then not getting any
  14. sale pending to craig, hopefully a mod can delete this tomorrow
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