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Posts posted by jeffro

  1. Been using a streaming device the last few years so never really had a reason to purchase a cable subscription. Been on internet only for probably 4 years now. I recently moved into an apartment and just for shits hooked my tv up straight to the jack on the wall. To my surprise im getting like 70 channels however only about 10 of them are digital. Those analog channels look pretty shitty on a 60" tv.


    Is there something i can put between the jack and the TV that would convert those analog channels into digital? If i were to find a used cable box would that do anything?

  2. As i said, im not looking to buy yet. Just window shopping


    Doesnt really matter. I was in the same position as you about 2 years ago. Contacted a realtor, told her we were just intereted in seeing what was out there, but not really in a position to buy yet. She hooked us up and didn't bother us until we contacted her to let her know we saw something we liked. We were in the house the next day.


    The benefit of the MLS over sites like zillow and realtor is that MLS listings are in real time. Youll see them before the rest of the world does. Often by the time zillow has things posted the house is already in contract.


    Just my experience.

  3. Left the bar around 2. Uber was $43 for a 3ish mile ride



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    FUCK. i received an email from them yesterday about a promo code for a free ride. Check your email.


    Also, rinse and repeat tonight. Ice is expected again just like last night with maybe a coating of snow on top.

  4. Found an old windows 8 key i had back from when it came out and i grabbed a copy on the MSDN. Loaded up a USB stick with win 10 and inserted it. Punched in that windows 8 key and it seemed to take me past the verify windows screen and is installing. Going slow as shit, but i attribute that to this junk flash drive im using.


    Fingers crossed it takes that key and i dont have to waste the windows 7 keys i have.

  5. Yep, just download the media and punch in your Windows 7 key. It should be flagged on Microsoft's servers that it was converted to Windows 10


    This right here is what i was looking for. Thanks CR brother.

  6. classic shell and shit to remove cortana and all the other bs advertising/data collection and you're gucci


    I've been on win 10 for 8 months now. It's fantastic. Performance is outright better and you get DirectX 12.


    Just pirate that shit fam ya naw im saayn?


    Im all about piracy, but if there is one piece of software i will pay for, its windows ya feel? I may play a pirated game or use pirated software for a few months but an OS sticks with you for years. The last thing i need is my shit getting locked because its not genuine.

  7. 90% of consumer grade laptops/notebooks in that price range are pieces of shit. As said above, chrome books use Chrome OS which is very different from windows. its all cloud based computing. Cant install anything on it either. Would avoid unless literally all she is going to do browse the internet.


    That said, the one you got should work for a 10 year old.

  8. Best place to get a key is on reddit at /r/microsoftsoftwareswap


    If you have legit Windows 7, do the free upgrade then do a fresh install using your 7 key.



    Windows 10 is awesome and has many performance and usability enhancements over Window 7 and Windows 8. If you dont like the interface, install ClassicShell.


    I saw this yesterday while digging around. If i "upgrade" to windows 10, how will reinstalls work in the future? Can i download windows 10 install media and just start there? Or will i have to go through the uograde process again? Wondering it just like converts your key into a windows 10 key or something.

  9. Lately i have been thinking of reinstalling windows to clean things up and improve performance. A few weeks ago i swapped out a motherboard, RAM, and CPU and just hooked my SSD windows 7 install up. Surprisingly everything seemed to work okay without reinstalling windows, but its been several years anyway and its time. Im getting stuttering when playing games so to me thats a hint. Ive uninstalled unnecessary shit, and turned everything off in msconfig.


    Windows 10. The thought horrifies me, but with life support for windows 7 coming to an end soon, there really isnt any other option beside Linux and I don't feel like dealing with driver and software compatibility issues all the time.


    That said, What should I expect? Is it as fucked up as windows 8 was? I just puked a little thinking about windows 8. Where is the best place to get a key? OEM or Retail, I dont care. I am not looking for an upgrade. Just somewhere cheap. My MSDN account expired like yesterday or something and they wont reactivate it.



  10. I hope to god this gains traction and sticks. Ive always felt uneasy at cscc. Dudes at night are always huddled up in a group in some dark corner mumbling in a language.


    That whole campus is sketchy. Poorly lit parking lots, interesting demographics, and less than motivated security.

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