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Posts posted by jeffro

  1. Listen guys I'm not trolling here ok. Ohio state is 9-1. 5 of those games that were blow outs were against garbage teams( yes Nebraska is a garbage team). It's very easy to run up the score against teams like Maryland, Rutgers, and whatever else Mac schools they opened against. However the 5 other teams that had any sort of quality players and it was extremely close. They went 4-1 against teams with a pulse. The Wisconsin game and northwestern game could have easily gone the other way. They did a fine job man handling Oklohoma at the start of the season so I'll give credit to where credit is due.


    They have look brilliant against lesser teams, just like I expected Bama to look brilliant against Chattanooga this weekend.


    Ohio state hasn't been consistent all year. It's easy to get caught up in the hype machine when they shut out Rutgers and ring up a bunch of points.


    Oh and check out some the the schedules of teams they have wins against. Wisconsin and Oklohoma are the only good wins Ohio st has. The rest are garbage teams.


    Okay, so Ohio State has played a bunch of garbage teams and blown them out. Let's hear who Alabama has blown out that is quality since Nebraska and Oklahoma don't qualify.


    USC - First game of the year, they have a new QB and their offense has been overhauled since (but good win, winning the way you're supposed to regardless).


    Ole Miss - TRASH and barely won


    Arkansas - Garbage, lost to Auburn 56-3 and LSU 38-10 :lolguy:


    Tennessee - Complete Joke not even worth explaining


    Texas A&M - :lolguy:


    LSU - Solid but Alabama only managed to rack up 10 points against them



  2. I was going to start a thread about the "Alt Right" but figured it would be brought up here.


    I guess the "Alt Right" is a bunch of lulzy half-serious fucking 4channers and shit. I'd fit right in :gabe:


    I bet that guy isn't as bad as the Media is portraying him / Breitbart News. Serious, people that say inflammatory/lulzy shit on the interwebs can be serious (in real life).


    This bothers me.Not all trump supporters are trolling 14 year olds.

  3. The hacked part is just removing the paid provisioning. I've been using it forever.


    Let me just update and say that its fucking awesome. During my 2 hour lift yesterday I didnt hear a single ad and skipped a bunch of times without issue.


    +rep to you sir.

  4. why is the media reporting false stories about muslims having there hijab pulled off and told to "go home" (2 separate stories turned out false). But they won't touch the stories of all the white or latinos that are being assaulted for expressing support for trump? Ive seen 3 stories of BRUTAL race fueled attacks on whites/latinos since Tuesday. Not ONE has been on mainstream media.


    You realize fox news is the only outlet that supports trump?

  5. Spotify is free, or a few bucks a year to delete ads and stuff. I tried and liked it, but I use Pandora still because I have all my stations setup and I'm too lazy to start something new.


    Fucking pandora. I was cool with the ads when it was just a popup. Then when they went to audible commercials i was annoyed but thought okay, i can deal with 1 ad every 30 minutes or so. then they went to back to back ads plus popups every 4 songs or so. REEEEEEEEE.


    $10 a month is too much for their service IMO.

  6. I bought one of these for shniggles. It was under $8 from Menards and plugs into AUX input on my stock head unit.




    Sound quality is good, has a built in mic for phone calls and the cost is great!


    8$? Damn thats a low price!. My aux port is in the center console so it would be out of sight. Ill have to stop in next time i drive by one.

  7. Facebook "friend" of mine who supports HRC was bragging today about how he went around and was knocking over and destroying trump signs.


    The fucking irony. What a retard.


    He's worked fast food his entire life and is almost 30. I didn't have the heart to remind him of that.



    He deleted his disabled his facebook today before i had a chance to read his concession post.


    Cucked to the max.

  8. I think Trump will win but won't last the 4 yeara


    doubt it and doubt it.


    As much as id prefer him over clinton, i think she will pull through. Florida being sketchy atm. stuck at 99%. I do not trust her. would not be surprised to see her pull some shit.


    Hoping i wake up pleasantly surprised in the AM.

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