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Everything posted by Littleguy

  1. I bought some at 15.xx earlier in the year and sold around 20. I'm not sure it will get that low again, so I will probably try to buy in the $16.xx range. As far as the risk, oil can be a "no brainer" purchase here, but you need to have time on your side. I am planning on buying what I feel comfortable keeping for a while and history tells me I will have an opportunity in the next 2-3 years or less to sell it for at least double. I may sell sooner depending on profits I see and other opportunities, but with this play time is your friend.
  2. This will be a project that they throw away billions of dollars on so a few homeless people can ride between the cities instead of chillin' in a bus station. Besides, the drive is nice, 85mph speed limit in Texas buddy.
  3. Still better than what the morons here in Texas are dead set on spending billions on. http://texascentral.com/
  4. I'm watching USO and will probably buy soon.
  5. The S Type R actually isn't too bad as far as drivetrain reliability with the 4.2L.
  6. Fine! An LS Swap is better anyways!
  7. Sucks to hear. Has anyone swapped in the WRX version of the engine yet?
  8. Stocks I am watching for good deals right now: QCOM, WFM, GM. I'll be looking for more bargains to watch today.
  9. Hahaha, I played around with a triple inverse oil etf for a while earlier in the year. They are fun, but I would argue they are the opposite of protection, they are gambling. I think the market is going to be crappy for a few weeks here but it doesn't really matter to me since I am only holding two stocks right now and neither one will really be effected by broader market moves. My elephant gun is loaded and I am excited to do some buying soon.
  10. OK, now I am fighting the urge to buy a bunch of these and "install" sunroofs on random people's cars.
  11. Great condition, congratulations.
  12. I think you posted something from your youtube fantasy street racer collection by mistake.
  13. After almost 3 years and less than 1800 miles driven I completely agree with you!
  14. Honestly, I have never really felt white enough around the white people or latino enough around the latino people. The older I get and life experience being what it is, I consider myself Latino, as it is the culture I am much more comfortable around and that matches the way I see life.
  15. Welcome to the site!!
  16. Congratulations!! Looks to be in really good shape. I'll take the stock head unit off your hands when you are ready.
  17. I am neighbor's with an awesome exotic car/race/restoration shop and spotted this out back when I was coming home today. http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/old1.jpg
  18. Looking really good Alex! My car is in the back somewhere... http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/11425119_10102106434690045_7026266194985584305_o.jpg
  19. Very cool, I am always drooling at my neighbor's IS300 sportwagon.
  20. Read this thread around 9:30am at my desk.....looking at ISF's online since then....
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