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Everything posted by Littleguy

  1. I do some CRE work that involves title policies so I may be able to answer some basic questions.
  2. It is a known burnout/idiot spot. I live a couple of miles from where the event takes place and have been to every one since they moved here. If you in those spots with your kids you should not be surprised that it happened, what's surprising is that this was the first one.
  3. The good repaint jobs that I have seen on FD's seem to be in the $8000+ range, I would think the C5 would be similar.
  4. 401K refers to an employer sponsored retirement program. Since your company does not have one you will need to do an IRA (either traditional or roth).
  5. You get the workhorse 2GR with leather and a nice stereo for around $10K or less, hard to beat for the money.
  6. Lexus ES350, tons of car for the money, and it will be punishingly reliable and you will have to drive it forever. Plus more power than that 2.0T BS.
  7. Those look pretty damn good Paul, makes the car look nice and sporty and clean.
  8. Got an update from Sprint yesterday that I will get mine by 9/30 but those that ordered after 9/13 will not receive theirs until 10/19, this is all for the 7+ btw.
  9. I've never noticed any soot or stains on my integrated exhaust outlets, but on the LS 460 the actual mufflers let out about a half an inch behind the outlets.
  10. http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/haters.gif
  11. Just got an update that my black 7+ won't ship until 9/30. #datwait lol
  12. My policy covers the FD on track as long as I have an instructor with me, and to be honest, I wouldn't feel comfortable pushing the car at all without someone beside me who knows better than I do.
  13. Pre-ordering a 7+, my only regret with my 6 was not getting the larger screen.
  14. It's actually a beefed up version of the 8-speed in my LS460, just a really good automatic.
  15. I would either go with the stainless ebay knockoffs for less money, or, I would bite the bullet and go up in budget to around 3000-3500 and get something made of titanium/carbon fiber. I probably spent too much for my titanium/cf exhaust, but I like it and that's all that matters. Just have to decide if it's worth it or not for you.
  16. Yeah Geeto, we don't need any of your big fancy words here. Quit writing long sentences that make my eyes hurt and stop putting words together with facts, I hate it when you try to get my brain to think something that my gut feelings already told me are wrong.
  17. Congrats on the pick up! Looks great.
  18. Ooooh, Griots is good stuff, when the catalog comes to my house I look through it wanting to spent hundreds of dollars on cleaning supplies, lol.
  19. I like this stuff for the easy to use/great results ratio. https://www.amazon.com/Leatherique-Restoration-Products-16oz-Kit/dp/B0002SPCBW
  20. GTI looks like a ton of fun to put around in, great color combo. I was farting around town some more today. http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/4134132412341.jpg http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/234523452.jpg
  21. Fresh out of paint as of yesterday and needed to put some miles on her to brake in the clutch/rear end/tranny. http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/d297abd4-c655-4ab0-b289-975bc49667e8.jpg http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/6c6f7727-6835-4ab1-9f94-59a3d0430db8.jpg http://www.newcelica.org/photopost/data/500/227d7b88-603d-49c8-9b8e-9e90ac060bfd.jpg
  22. Yes it is a house fire, you just don't know any better to recognize it.
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