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Everything posted by Littleguy

  1. True, I myself would have not admitted to using it until the past year or two. Too much of a stigma behind it. Also, I must very much agree with those in this threat talking about pain meds/opiates. The idea of using those kinds of drugs scares me very much just because of all the people I have seen that become dependent on them.
  2. I have issues with sleeping and "turning off" my brain at night. When I was younger I would just stay up at night and deal with the insomnia and night anxiety that went with it even though it wasn't good for my school performance or really for me in general. Now as an adult, with even more stress, I smoke pot just about every night as part of my bedtime routine and it is the best sleep aid I have ever had (much better than Ambien, etc...). I am able to go right to sleep, no insomnia or anxiety, and I wake up in the morning fresh as a daisy.
  3. Littleguy


    Awesome intro! Welcome to the site.
  4. Littleguy


    Welcome to the site, nice user name.
  5. Guy obviously crashed himself so he could mess up his opponents mirror angle.
  6. You would still whoop his ass. http://www.hennesseyperformance.com/maxboost445.html
  7. Cooler than I thought it would be. Now I want to see one of these in 3D.
  8. Littleguy


    Nice bike, welcome to the site.
  9. Too cool for me to even comprehend.
  10. Very cool, the car looks so great in the article pics. Congratulations Farkas!
  11. Great cars. I would look for well priced examples here: http://www.ls1gto.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=20 or here: http://www.gtoforum.com/f5/
  12. Congratulations! If I had to get one of the "hot hatches" out right now the GTI would be my choice. Best all around package.
  13. Great shots and gorgeous car.
  14. Looks really fun, congrats!
  15. Very cool buddy. Totally sleeper status.
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