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russian rocket

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Everything posted by russian rocket

  1. incorrect, my point is actually very valid. she is having contact issues with landlord, if shes late on a payment the landlord will more than likely contact her to see whats going on. at that point she can discuss the situation at the house. your avoiding my question because you know you would contact the tenant to see whats going on.
  2. no.....thats not an answer. im sure you would call them and find out why they are late....just like any other landlord that wants his money.
  3. ok let me ask you this then. if someone is late on rent and hasnt called you about it, do you contact them and see whats going on or automatically start an eviction?
  4. actually 3 houses. i guess its a difference in opinion here. you seem to think that this persons landlord is some multi billionaire with a fleet of lawyers. i see this persons landlord as a slumlord that doesnt want to get shit done until forced to. the worst thing that the guy can do is give you 30 days to move out. THATS WORST CASE scenario. i can almost guarantee he will not take her to court because it just wont be worth it and itll cost him more money in the end anyways.
  5. im sure the landlord would rather contact the person rather than evicting/ sueing because of the deep shit he would get in if all the stuff was actually brought to court. and what would he even sue you for? the missed rent? trust me i have rented from 3 different landlords in the past 4 years. the guy im renting from right now is a friend and tells me how these things work. a law suit is more of a headach especially if its only over 400-800 dollars in rent. plus if she gets evicted, she'll be better off because than she can go find another place where the landlord actually cares about their tenants. so i dont actually think my advice of stop paying is all that bad, because then itll get his attention and show him your not fucking around.
  6. yea but she is having issues contacting the landlord, i think its safe to say that if she stops paying her rent, the land lord will contact her and then they can work out all the details.
  7. stop paying rent......... that will usually get the landlords attention in the meantime, get some heating blankets and space heaters
  8. here is a crappy pic of what it should look like http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b331/kliped/car/coke.jpg push down the on tab that is in the recessed area, now dont get scared, if everything is working, its going to make a loud buzzing noise and the wheel will start turning
  9. thats the same machine thats in one of my stores, looking at the second pic, pop off the center piece that covers the electronics. you will see wheels with metal tabs, the tabs slide into the notches on the wheels, to see if the motors are working just push down on one of the metal tabs and the thing should start spinning
  10. i work for coke but do not repair these machines, but i do have a little tiny bit of knowledge about them. if you can, take a pic of the inside so i can see exactly what you are talking about. also explain the issue in more detail, like is it making any noises, is the wheel turning, ect...ect...
  11. you should mention cooling for the higher end systems
  12. gps.....and i know there are programs out there that transmit live car data
  13. thats awesome, you should have asked for the same guy again and then said "im glad you changed your mind about that quote"
  14. but wouldnt the next persons rental cost cover the gas then?
  15. so wait im confused if then why if the cost of 100 miles and a tank of 93 is already included in the rental price?
  16. wow thats nuts, even if you cancel a week prior to the rental they still keep 50% of the fee. that company seems a little to shady to me.
  17. nvm i reread the ccw laws, to use deadly force he has to fall under three categories, believe that you are in serious danger of death or bodily harm you arent the aggressor and you have no means of retreat in his situation, he was in fear of bodily harm BUT he was the aggressor and he obviously had a means of retreat. but now, since the guy ran down the stairs and meet him at the bottom, the OP's , means of retreat were starting to get limited, if the guy would have blocked his path completely, than the OP would be allowed to use deadly force because at this point, he is no longer the aggressor and his means of retreat has been blocked.
  18. now i dont remember exactly from my ccw course but since that guy was charging at him and he felt threatened, isnt he allowed to use lethal force to defend himself?
  19. shoot the guy than place your tire iron in his hand, end of story
  20. just watched a youtube video on that gun, looks like a really nice gun but field stripping looks to be a bit of a bitch. btw did you try on the crossbreed holster? did you get it in horsehide or cowhide?
  21. jeez a 40 on your ankle! how comfortable does that feel lol
  22. hey guys, im sure this has been asked before but what type of holsters do most of you guys like the best. i currently have an xd45 service model so its only a 4in but the mag is a 13 double stacked. im sure most of you guys wont recommend carrying a 45 because of its size and weight but i currently do not have the funds to spring for a 9mm or a xd40 sub compact or really anything else. i was on xdtalk for a while the other night just reading what everyone was recommending. and most of them seem to like the IWB super tuck. im relatively new to carrying so i dont know all the names for all the different holsters so please dont flame lol. i was kind of curious about a cross draw shoulder holster, i was curious if any of you guys wear them and if maybe any of you guys carry a 45 in them. how comfortable are they in general or should i just stick to IWB since in the summer i like to wear t shirts and shorts. any recommendations will be greatly appreciated, thanks
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