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russian rocket

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Everything posted by russian rocket

  1. i know you dont know me but i want to share something because one of my buddies went through virtually the same thing. before i explain everything about him, i just want to tell you dont let your depression and pain get the best of you, try to stick as far away from the pain killers as possible because eventually they will destroy your life. back 3 years ago my buddy was involved in a horrible motorcycle accident. the doctors honestly thought he would never walk again but slowly he began to prove them wrong. he was on his feet with in a year and using a grandma walker for an entire year, than he moved onto crotches and now he doesnt need anything. but from that motorcycle accident he really screwed up his right foot. he was having tremendous pain from it and was receiving countless surgeries to repair it but nothing was working. they kept on giving him pain killers and he basically said fuck it and started popping them like skittles just to keep the pain away. his life went into a horrible downward spiral. it got so bad that you couldn't communicate with him at all. luckily his parents cared about him dearly and got him into rehab and detox, he slowly started doing a lot better but the pain was still there and was still making his life miserable. he was now on his 14th surgery and the doctors still cant get things right, for the past 2 years hes been walking around with this giant boot on his right foot and pins stuck into his toes. a month back he finally said fuck this and had enough of all the surgeries and just told them to amputate one of his toes that isnt fussing back together. now some of the old pain is gone but it brought some new pain with it (phantom pain). but not nearly as bad. he can actually function now and is slowly starting to get his life back on track. basically the moral of that story is always keep your head up, dont let the pain, anger and frustration get you down because getting down is easy, the hard part is getting back up. go talk to multiple doctors, maybe others can see it differently
  2. is it just me or do all those girls look like your standard issue trailer park trash with a side order of crack?
  3. here in lima i was one of the lucky ones who landed a job with coca cola. i started off as a part time merchandiser making 7/hr, after 6 months i got a 1.50 raise. than 6 months later coca cola enterprises bought out coca cola bottling in lima so i got bumped up to full time merchandiser and 10/hr. a year later a lady from HR came down and asked us what we would like to see change. all of us merchandisers said pay lol, so with in 3 months we were bumped up to 13.50/hr which after gas milage averages about 18/hr and we receive a 10% raise every year. plus the benefits and matched 401k is some of the best in the business world. while i am not making a crazy amount of money or anything, i am just happy to have a job right now. and coming in 2010 i get bumped up to 3 weeks paid vacations and bumped up to 5 free floating holidays. i still have another year and a half left of my bachelors degree and i dont see myself venturing away from coca cola at least until then.
  4. wait im confused, that guy wanted you to agree to buy his stuff before he even told you the price?
  5. your right, a valve cover thats not bolted down does break my heart lol http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w2/flyinryan2007/securedownload1.jpg
  6. kinda old but if you are still looking for a good hand gun, i would suggest a springfield XD45 i love mine and you can pick up a new one for right around your price range
  7. iv come to find out that the off road vehicles are the best. i loved my tmaxx. the on road cars are fun and all but just gets boring after awhile
  8. i played around with them last year but they started to add up in costs and decided to sell most of them off i had a cen ct5, tmaxx 3.3 and i still have my electric 4tec
  9. what i posted, they have all different kinds of tires...
  10. anyone looking for tires, i know Micheal tires plus is have a 200 dollars off of purchases 400 dollars and more and its 50% off anything below that. but its only on black friday between 6am-8am so if you drop off your vehicle with in that time, you should be good
  11. do you know if the bottom end is 2bolt or 4bolt mains?
  12. not trying to thread jack but are those speakers in the grill???
  13. are you talking about the starter plate? if so i know you can get them dirt cheap from the dealer, like 15-20 bucks
  14. no one wants to fight him? im pretty sure he cant have a fight every week in the ufc. he has only been fighting since early last year for the ufc, thats why hes a noob. anyone who doesnt have more than 10 fights under their belts is considered a noob in my opinion. basically by your logic, if you were a michigan fan than you would have considered michigan as the best team in the world just by watching their 4 first games. im guessing you misunderstood me, my comments arent lesnar specific, anyone who has a very small record and short time in, still a noob/rookie. but that doesnt mean he isnt a beast, because clearly he is and with him being inexperienced, it leaves a lot of room for improvement and give him a lot of great potential. i did a little football and wrestling my first couple years in high school. but im not sure what that has anything to do with anything? by the way, i never said i was disappointed with him as a fighter, i am actually very impressed with him, and im not disappointed with him in his lack of experience, that part is inevitable, everyone starts with a 0-0 record and moves on from there. all im saying is, i would like for him to atleast get another five fights under his belt before i can consider him nearly unbeatable.
  15. i never said he was a bad fighter, his greatest advantage right now is not just his size and strength, but that there isnt much to study from his past fights. as soon as he gets a couple more fights under his belt and shows his weaknesses, fighters will capitalize on it. his first win was against a nobody who had a 2-5 record. his next fight he lost, his next fight it came down to a decision. than his last two he came out really strong and won both. its just my opinion that thinking he could be one of the best fighters of all time with only 4 wins is ignorant, who knows, maybe he will fall off and lose the rest of his fights. maybe other fighters will be a better match up for him. no one knows because he is basically considered a noob in the mma. time will tell, i really hope he gets better, i would love to see someone put up a good fight for him.
  16. im sorry but if you honestly think that he might be one of the best fighters of all time with only a 4-1 record than your an idiot. not trying to seem like an asshole but you just sound ignorant with that comment. now dont get me wrong, hes definitely a decent and promising fighter, but just lacks time in the ring against real fighters (as in not phantom punches and trampolines.).
  17. i think pryor will give his arm a good work out against michigan. michigans secondaries suck ass. i dont think i have ever see such horrible pass coverage come out of michigan. my guess is pryor wont get to many yards on michigans D, they seem to be just to strong up front. i for see Graham rocking pryor a couple times.
  18. come on man....hes had 4 fights in the ufc...come on....really? on topic, that blows that hes going out this way, but i guess in the end, you pay the price
  19. ill race you with my datsun 510 in the 1/4 for 20, its a strict 700 S class .
  20. which of you guys like drag racing? what is your best car for the strip? my current is probably the obvious, a datsun 510 S class. it moves pretty good
  21. nice pics, what did the bike put down?
  22. thats bullshit, tell him you want 70% and not 30. damn scammer trying to rip you off twice in the same email.
  23. im about to upgrade to the 3gs tomorrow, iv been lugging around this original 16gig for to long lol hell i bought this thing back when they were 500 dollars :mad: but still works awesome.
  24. just curious and not really trying to start shit but what "MORE" can a droid do over an iphone?
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