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russian rocket

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Posts posted by russian rocket

  1. The autos are quicker due to people not knowing how to drive a heavy, high torque, stick car. Pulley, exhaust, e85, and a tune. Run deep into the 11s with just that :)


    im still on the fence on what i want to do with this car. it currently has an air raid intake and exhaust cut outs near the mufflers.

    i want to throw a set of headers and do a 2.4 upper pulley and tune

    but i am also contemplating on getting an extended warranty on the car, with the low miles, i can get one for relatively cheap.

    headers probably wont void the warranty, but im sure the tune and pulley will, so i dont know, just kinda sitting on the fence here

  2. Loved it many. I'm in a hunt for a cts-v wagon myself.


    you missed out on a 2011 thunder grey wagon that was for sale in Columbus a month or so ago. it had only like 34k miles and the guy only wanted 35k for it. he had it sold before i could get my finances together.

  3. Congrats on your purchase. Definitely a good choice for your winter beater, as the dried road salt spray will hardly show on that color.


    And I wouldn't let anyone give you grief over your preference for an automatic. Thinking like yours will definitely help you make a smooth transition to self driving cars in the near future and on to a network of 100% transportation pods on a grid shortly thereafter. :thumbup:


    You're just way ahead of most of us.


    haha funny thing is, first place i went to when i got back into town was a car wash. i got out and the rims looked horrendous from all the road salt, but the rest of the car still looked really good.


    and thank you for the compliment, i love being ahead of the curve :D

  4. Sister In Law has bigger balls than you do. :lolguy:


    meh, i have had my fun with manual cars over the years and dont get me wrong, they are still fun but... for a daily driver, they start becoming a bit of an annoyance, especially in stop and go traffic.

    plus i heard the automatic cts-vs were faster than the manual lol

  5. ^^ totally understand. When I was looking and bought out of state I had to explain to people that I wasn't looking for a car I was looking "the car" and being it's my money I have a right to be ultra picky :)


    Great find! Look pretty dang clean and love the low miles.


    haha exactly, my wife was getting really pissed off at me lol

  6. Congrats! Love it. Almost made a trip to buy one just like it when I was looking. What year is that?


    its a 2011

    this has been a pretty long process for me, this wasnt going to be a car where i just settled for the next best thing, this had to have everything i wanted lol

    so needless to say i have been hunting for just the right deal for quite a while

  7. Well I am finally home from my trip. After working a 12 hour night shift, I got off at 430 am Friday, woke up my amazing wife and had her take me straight to the airport. I landed in Providence, Rhode Island at 1045am.

    After looking over and test driving the car, I knew it was for me, so I bought it and at 3pm I started my long drive home. Ran into some stand still traffic in New York and some slick/ snowy roads in Pennsylvania.

    At around midnight I figured it was time for a small power nap, 40 hours with no sleep is an interesting experience. It's not necessarily that you are tired but your body starts feeling weird.

    After waking up i finally finished the long drive home and couldn't be any happier. It was all worth it!







  8. I bought a new nut and bolt already. but this rust got me like :dumb:




    I have literally thought about setting the truck on fire.




    Those are the control arm bolts....They are just as bad if not worse :fuuuu:


    cant seem to find an exact pic for your year but is it similar to this?



    if so, thread the nut back on til its flush with the end of the bolt or you have a couple threads engaged, get a 10lb sledge and go to town on it.

    there have been times where i have spent 30 minutes or more just beating away at rusted/corroded bolts, your arms become jello but they all eventually break free. once it starts moving and becomes flush with the control arm, switch over to a smaller hammer and a punch to drive it the rest of the way out.

  9. When I did this I gave him a check, we went to his bank and deposited it. That way on my end I can see his acct and routing info and can fight it with my bank if needed. I left with the car and a notarized bill of sale. Probably better ways of doing this all but it all worked out and he only owed like 5k so it wasn't like he could run off with 20k per say.


    this is currently my plan, we go to his bank and he pays off the vehicle right there and then. just need to figure out a better way for the whole title issue.

  10. Yeah if it's a lien shouldn't the bank be able to just sign the title over to you? What if the bank mailed the title to that co op location so if he did need to sign the title he could sign it there in front of you and hand it to you that day?


    i could be wrong, but even though the bank owns the car, the seller is still the only person on the title, hence doesnt the seller have to sign off on the title and not the bank, doesnt the bank simply provide a lien release form with the title?

  11. Yes I agree, you are putting a lot of faith in someone you don't know, and even worse is a distance away. A bill of sale notarized or not, is in no way shape or form proof of ownership of a vehicle in the state of Ohio. What if he takes that check in his name and buys Christmas presents with it, and what would be stopping him from doing so?


    In situations like this the only way to go is protect yourself 125%. If you can't get the clear notarized title in hand with the car itself, don't be alarmed if you have a car you can't title or drive.

    There are title insurance bond companies that will charge you for "insurance" or you could contact his bank and pay them directly and have them send the title. There is nothing you can do with a car and leined car and a "notarized " bill of sale, especially when you are writing a check to an individual.


    If you are willing to lose the money and fight to get the title to a car you may never own, I would go for it, other than that if I write a check to a person for a car, I want a free and clear title to go along with it.


    his bank has a co op location near him, my current plan is to meet up at the bank, his bank can verify the check is legit and then he can pay off his loan right there and then. then have his bank notarize my bill of sale. then i will have to wait for his bank to mail him the title, he'll have to sign it and mail it to me along with the lien release paper.

    ill look into the title insurance bond, thank you

  12. Is it a rare car or something that is easily found and obtained? If it is the latter of the two then it may not be worth the headache imo.


    its not necessarily rare, but the price for the mileage is extremely attractive and is currently worth the headache, but my patience is starting to run thin though lol

  13. The notarized Bill of Sale should be good, but just to ensure any potential issues I would call his bank when you meet up with him so you're both there. He should be able to authorize you permission to discuss the transaction regarding his account and they might even be able to notarize something for you to cover both of you just in case.


    ok cool, i just did a little more digging and it looks like there is a co op branch near him, so him and i can just go there and pay off the loan.

  14. hey guys i was seeing if you could give me some advice or recommendations.

    i found a car that i like and it is privately owned and out of state. the car does have a lien on it, but his bank is in a different state than the vehicle.

    i plan to fly out to him in the next day or so, my bank will issue me a check in his name to pay for the car. he is going to have to pay off the car, they will mail him the title, he will have to sign the title and then mail it to me along with the lien release form. is there much of anything i can do to cover my ass aside from making up a bill of sale and having it notarized?


    for the most part i have covered my bases, i pulled a carfax report on the car, i whitepaged his name and his wifes name, both came back to the same address, i google street viewed his address and the house matches the background of the car pictures, also in some views you can see the car in the driveway. so basically everything seems legit, i just want to know if there is anything else i can do to cover my ass. can he get a duplicate title printed?

  15. I built one online. That seems like a lot of car for $46-48k.


    Too much money for me, but I really, really like the SS now.


    GM had a 20% off promo going on them for a while, you might still be able to find a dealer that will honor that discount.

  16. They sell with rebuilt couplers for about $900 plus the misc other things he would need




    you can usually find used ones between 600-1200 dollar range, but on average is 800-900 dollars.

    they are much easier to bolt onto the chevy ss than they are to the camaro. less brackets and i dont believe you have to relocate anything.

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