Talking and throwing out ideas isn't really going to accomplish anything...a petition is just wasting your time also....but this is just my opinion. I've said it before, laws are all bullshit, they aren't to protect people or for the public's own good, laws are to create revenue and make money. If a traffic law was put in place to protect the people around me I wouldn't have to pay the city for running a stop sign, I should be paying all the people in the area at the time that I put into harms way. Pointing out street racing is illegal and trying to be a do-gooder is fucking annoying.....every single person on here has broken a law at one point or time in their lives, and I'm willing to bet most of them were while driving. Sure the best idea and easiest way is to just go to a track, but if you guys haven't noticed non-car people are trying their hardest to get rid of them because of petty shit like noise complaints. This world is turning into a pussified version of its former self in just about every aspect, not just cars.